I have 20 dollars.

Oh yeah? I have 17 dollars...

That was so gangsta I think it made my head explode.
I thought sanctum was pre]tty boring even by tower defense standarts. You shold really specify what kind of games you want more, singleplayer or multiplayer.
The best thing you can do with 20 dollars:
Buy stuff from Newegg
Buy 4 Big Mac Meals
or Give it all to me
Bastion is probably the most excellent bang for your buck at the moment - the design is rock solid (a more beautiful, well-written and thoughtful indie-style Diablo hack'n'slash that falls back on some pretty tight mechanics), and the narration is second only to Alan Rickman. The game has a demo on Steam if you're unsure about it.

The beauty of this is that you can then afford another $5 game, and while there are many currently available the Intoversion Humble Bundle is going to net you somewhere around 6 games and 2 tech demos for that $5, each of them a stellar offering that deserves your cash.
Yes! Yes! How didn't I think of that! Seriously. Go buy the humble indie bundle they are great.

Make sure to check out Overgrowth too! It is a game being worked on by the company that runs the HIB.
The Humble Bundle, if you are looking to be generous then go all in with that 20 bucks and help a charity at the same time!!