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I Put On My Robe and Wizard Hat...


Well-Known Member

Well, in this day and age of advanced technology, I find the existence and adaptation of certain types of spirituality, plus the beliefs of non-monotheistic religions to be quite fascinating. And, to be honest I've got a confessing declaration that probably sounds mighty-silly to the majority of you out there reading this blog post.
I believe in Magic! :eek:

There! I SAID IT! Now, go have your smirks, chuckles and guffaws elsewhere, because at this point I am quite serious. It Exists... and no, I'm not talking about parlor tricks or illusions. the Real McCoy, plus the phallic wand and staff. I'll be waiting.
...Wow, that took shorter than expected. Now, You're probably thinking "Well, why don't you explain your proof of such wizardry?" while providing a condescending snicker. Well, lets explain some mechanics here (attempts at not preaching were made, here are just my opinions based upon what I've learned):

1.) What sets Humans apart from all other creatures on this planet is the combination of their sentience and ability to exert free will during their lifespan. With this comes the ability to create, comprehend and expand thoughts and ideas. These electrical currents that run through synapses in the brain, only to remain there until a manifestation of action occurs.

2.) This free will also enables people to master their mind completely, should they choose to. A mastery of the mind enables complete control of the body which is operated by the mind and powered by sheer force of will.
~~~~~Some concepts, like the Tulpa creating this thread talks about utilize basic to intermediate mental mastery for manifesting this aspect of the subconscious, as an example.

3.) When one person shares their idea or manifests it in a tangible form, others are affected by this idea and take in the data through their body's senses.

4.) When an idea is shared by more and more people, its strength often multiplies with each added person who holds and shares that idea. This, in turn changes the people who hold that same idea to a more unified state of thinking.
~~~~~ As an example that pertains to the more religious readers out there, ever wonder why prayers are asked for? It operates on this mechanic where requests for a particular thought be directed at a goal, whether that is for healing a severely sick child or for world peace; Sometimes, these thoughts directed in the same direction by a multitude of people DO affect a situation's outcome, whether a coincidental turn of events happen or the more dramatic "miracle" occurs.

So, with those four points designated as integral parts of the mechanics behind what I define "Magic", I'll now disappoint your expectations for shooting lightning from a wand or changing the weather: Most people lack the mental mastery and focus to utilize their potential. For some people out there, a discovery out of the blue gave them a trick or two that is hard to control reliably. For others, something minor requires participation of many people; far more than it should, were the group more aware of their mental capabilities. But for some very few successful individuals, the complete mastery of their mind has enabled them to go far with what they conceptualize and manifest.

Admittedly, the frequency that I meditate to continue my mental training is insufficient for maintaining a higher state of mental awareness and control. However, the accidents and discoveries I've had here and there give me enough interest and drive to continue. For some, that's enough to prove the existence of wizardry and magic.
I do not understand "magic" nor do I care for voodoo because it really is a play on people's emotions, or merely placebo effects. But I do want to learn to be a Financial Wizard DecaHexaMillionaire Extraordinare, and it always speaks about "law of attraction" or something along those lines. Maybe that's what you are doing and you have yet to realize it.
It sounds like you're saying magic = socializing. Do you...go outside?

Don't get me wrong, I think that a certain degree of meditation can lead to a person having the ability to maintain a level of serentiy and control over certain aspects of the brain. Afterall, the cortex is what controls our complex emotions, which are sometimes overridden by our more basic instincts, which are controlled in the ganglia and cerebellum. The cortex is the one part of the brain that is vastly different than any other animal's in the world, and so is the key to how we are today (yes, I said how, not who). This is why Buddhism is intruiging to me: they dedicate their lives to meditation and getting to a higher plane of existence through their mind by focusing their energy on using their cortex to control the baser brain, therefore unlocking the key to everything.

Also, I've always wanted to dress up as Gandalf.
Ah, the usual "humans don't use most of their brain" theory. While romantic and attractive as it is, my logical processes insist on pointing out that this is simply not true. Meditation can give you that sense of peace - but you'd be hard-pressed to find proof of extraordinary events occurring.

Interesting concept, but I just can't believe it. If this is what drives you, though, I won't argue it - same as you wouldn't argue my belief that there is a higher power out there that we will all be held accountable to at the end of time.
@Gurw: "the usual 'humans don't use most of their brain' theory." It's comments like these that make me wonder what sorts of circles your involve yourself in, and also worry me about the potential circles you may involve yourself in.
It is proven that people use (nearly) their whole brain, for different things. They just don't use it at the maximum capacities, I belive the highest amount of activity in parts of a brain ever measured is around 20-25% of the estimated maximum amount of activity.
@Joost just like most electrical wiring, running at 100% capacity is not only dangerous, but stupid as well. The wires in your home very rarely see more than 30% of their capacity reached, for example.

However, our brains are running at almost full capacity all the time anyway.
Neurologist Barry Gordon, "we use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time."
I agree that there is a higher level of mental functions that we have yet to discover or use. That doesn't mean that it's necessarily "magic" that is the explanation for this. Does that mean that trying to improve your cognitive abilities is silly? Of course not. I've always found hypnotism interesting for this reason.
Thought-provoking blog, MotorKat. I think you may be interested in a few of these threads, as they also pertain to the idea of a "Universal Conscience."
I got a good laugh at your insufficient meditating, as I too can never seem to a decent amount done without my family disrupting me. Regardless, it's pretty relaxing and I wish I could do more.
i saw the title and was, like "wait, wha? giggity? video?" :D [not helping]
also, i saw a sign for some kind of 'cooking camp' -- seems like home ecconomics. i guess it's an alternative way to spend the summer while learning some semi-practical life skills.

also, i totally didn't read the article. i'll come back to it later. :)