I'm in school.

Hah! You're new to this game, broheem.

I've been posting on Team9000 whilst I've been at school for most of the year. I've had to stop now, as the school has blocked access to Team9000 on its intranet. (I guess that they figured out that my laptop was being primarily used for forum-going rather than History notes.)

I can still get Memebase though, so I'm O.K.

Next year, everyone in my year gets an iPad. Hopefully I can access Team9000 from it.
Hah! You're new to this game, broheem.

I've been posting on Team9000 whilst I've been at school for most of the year. I've had to stop now, as the school has blocked access to Team9000 on its intranet. (I guess that they figured out that my laptop was being primarily used for forum-going rather than History notes.)

I can still get Memebase though, so I'm O.K.

Next year, everyone in my year gets an iPad. Hopefully I can access Team9000 from it.
I used to the same on my iPod Touch (shoot me now please). My school's network password is admin12345 <PHAIL
I went on team9000 in school once last year, and when people asked about it, I told them it was just a fail blog :P
Who even uses a phone at school? I just bring my laptop and my 2nd period doesn't give a fudge :3
Private school motherhubbards.
We all got free brand new Macbooks 2009.

After two years of fucking around with classroom 'lan parties' we actually settled down and get a lot more work done with them so I guess the productivity factor actually wins.
Oh. Well I still have yet to see a private school in my area where they give us laptops. All the private schools in my area are exactly the same as the public school, except it doesn't have a drug dealer. The middle school I go to is probably the most ghetto place in my county
I would pay more to have less homework in a heartbeat.
That's why the private school system is working.
Oh. Well I still have yet to see a private school in my area where they give us laptops. All the private schools in my area are exactly the same as the public school, except it doesn't have a drug dealer. The middle school I go to is probably the most ghetto place in my county
It just depends on where you live/the wealth of your schools/the avalibility of the devices.