I'm in school.

That's why the private school system is working.
I actually take pride in having teachers who will actually be motivated to *teach me rather than depressed uni dropouts who didnt make the cut;

*applies to everything except for software/ipt.. Mr.Hughes, a.k.a Hughesy uses me to teach the class. hawkward..
I actually take pride in having teachers who will actually be motivated to *teach me
I'm not referring to the teachers themselves, I'm just stating that private schools typically focus on productivity in the classroom and don't give out homework as much as public schools. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with this though.

I don't know if it's like that in Australia like it is here, however.
Private schools = paying more to get less homework and more laptops. Not personally flaming you, but just saying.
Are you kidding? If anything, it's paying to have shorter holidays, longer school hours, more homework... But also good teachers, nice facilities, and a focus on the student outside of school.

The laptops are actually part of a national thing where every Year 9 student recieves a small (crappy) netbook.

It's a bonus that in Year 10 we get an iPad. We don't get to keep them, though.
Are you kidding? If anything, it's paying to have shorter holidays, longer school hours, more homework... But also good teachers, nice facilities, and a focus on the student outside of school.

The laptops are actually part of a national thing where every Year 9 student recieves a small (crappy) netbook.

It's a bonus that in Year 10 we get an iPad. We don't get to keep them, though.
Yeah I'm with you on this one dude,

I got the macbook in the first year of the program so I get to keep mine because it was before the fucked up reform of all the loop holes in the contract haha
I got accepted into a private school, but the public one actually had a much better program, and all my friends were going, so I went there.

Also, in my english class, we were all given iPads... t9k time!
mikeymagic said:
go to a catholic school, the macbook will be much better than the piece of shit lenovo that most private schools give out. /puke.

Yeah, it's called "saint francis" (if you want to look it up). Its most definitely catholic... Even though I am not catholic, I am agnostic. Do they do a lot of worship stuff in those schools?
Are you kidding? If anything, it's paying to have shorter holidays, longer school hours, more homework... But also good teachers, nice facilities, and a focus on the student outside of school.

The laptops are actually part of a national thing where every Year 9 student recieves a small (crappy) netbook.

It's a bonus that in Year 10 we get an iPad. We don't get to keep them, though.
Okay, I guess is a little different then. The national thing you speak of certainly does not exist here. No crappy netbooks for us.
My dad told me that since he's having to pay for his divorce and crap, I wouldn't be able to go to that school next year, but the year after that, if I still want to go, I can.
I got accepted into a private school, but the public one actually had a much better program, and all my friends were going, so I went there.

Also, in my english class, we were all given iPads... t9k time!
yeah they are giving the yr 7's ipad's instead of macbooks now;

Yeah, it's called "saint francis" (if you want to look it up). Its most definitely catholic... Even though I am not catholic, I am agnostic. Do they do a lot of worship stuff in those schools?

Nope, I think religion is a stupid idea in general; And my catholic studies teacher thinks I'm a legit nazi because I logically 'implied' that we should kill off all disabled people.. It was hypothetical; jus farkin relax aye. haha
1. Vorsprung, I need to know about your school. It must be great to create time-traveling Pyros.
2. I have to know, does anyone else go to an IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma school.
Find ones near you here...
yeah they are giving the yr 7's ipad's instead of macbooks now;

Nope, I think religion is a stupid idea in general; And my catholic studies teacher thinks I'm a legit nazi because I logically 'implied' that we should kill off all disabled people.. It was hypothetical; jus farkin relax aye. haha
To be honest, I don't think the iPads help us, at all. We can't type very well on then, and all everyone does is waste their time on then.

And that religion shit is HILARIOUS!
I go to Adelaide High, I live in the city of Adelaide, I went to North Adelaide Primary School, I live in the suburb North Adelaide. Adelaide ADELAIDE ADELAIDE. IT'S EVERYWHERE IN MY LIFE.