I'm in school.

To be honest, I don't think the iPads help us, at all. We can't type very well on then, and all everyone does is waste their time on then.

And that religion shit is HILARIOUS!

Yeah but it's cheaper in the long run and productivity is still increased by a tonne.

ratio of price:increasedproductivity went from like 3:10 to like 1:5, so it makes sense in the long run.
But I have 0% Catholicism in me. I don't think I could do it.
neither, did you not read my post? they don't care: If your intelligent- You place Catholic Studies or Studies of Religion courses into a Philosophical genre of learning where you do nothing all lesson but question every concept that is studied from an unbiast (non-religious/logical) point of view. It makes shit interesting;
neither, did you not read my post? they don't care: If your intelligent- You place Catholic Studies or Studies of Religion courses into a Philosophical genre of learning where you do nothing all lesson but question every concept that is studied from an unbiast (non-religious/logical) point of view. It makes shit interesting;
Still worried about one thing... nuns with rulers.
My school doesn't have the math class I need (I'm advanced, not dumb) so I have to take a bus to another school.
neither, did you not read my post? they don't care: If your intelligent- You place Catholic Studies or Studies of Religion courses into a Philosophical genre of learning where you do nothing all lesson but question every concept that is studied from an unbiast (non-religious/logical) point of view. It makes shit interesting;
Oh, I see, sorry. Of course, the nuns with rulers were obviously my main concerns. Obviously.

Just kidding.