Important! T9k swiggity swag interest survey!

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Here's a maybe mock-design on a lanyard. Tease tease tease.
Ollee says he no likey the detachable buckle on lanyards. But that's an optional feature (same cost). Whatchoo think?

Not a big fan of the buckle either, but the rest looks good. Also, I don't know if it is just the way the mock up looks, but I feel like Team9000 should be repeated a few times across the entire length. I could be wrong, but I know that tends to make it look less empty.
you know how company's offer pen's lanyards, mugs, etc? to my honest comment its all good and if you make a bulk of many items into 1 price then it would be awesome. besides, what has woot said in his forms about going to PAX, E3 and Minecraft conventions? couldn't find the quota but he said that when we go to these places that "we are a company". so a company bulk package would be nice :D

I just like your idea's y2hecate :thumbsup:
Also, if possible Christmas time would be an ideal time for these to sell.

Us 12 year olds need moniez.
No-buckle Lanyard mockup.

Not a big fan of the buckle either, but the rest looks good. Also, I don't know if it is just the way the mock up looks, but I feel like Team9000 should be repeated a few times across the entire length. I could be wrong, but I know that tends to make it look less empty.
Buckle or not, the text will be repeated. I just mocked it up quickly. (And used the wrong font on the 9000. DERPderp.)
Also, if possible Christmas time would be an ideal time for these to sell.
Us 12 year olds need moniez.
I'm probably going to try and have preorders open before Crimmus. Maybe just keep them open through all December or something. Give people time. I gotta look at Production and Shipping time though. It'd be nice to have things in time for the folks planning to go to PAX South, so it might have to be earlier.
I like the look of the no-buckle lanyard. What happened to awesome face?
I think the lanyard has to be a repeatable logo/text (like they make whole spools, then cut down into lanyards, and the design may not stop/start at the same spot for each lanyardd), so I don't think I can put it just once near the clasp like I wanted/thought looked nice. The face looks weird to me, repeated sideways or upright. It's hard to explain. Also, more colors, increasing cost in this case. If it can be included reasonably, I'll add it in, and see what people like.
I think the awesome face on one of the lapel pins would look real nice when pinned on the bottom of the lanyard, myself.