InvaderKewl: Remember C-64's "Aztec Challenge"?


Board Game Pimp
Ok, so most of you young people may not have ever owned a Commodore 64 or are aware of its awesomeness - it existed around the same time as the NES and was capable of a great many more things (helping you write your term paper, had better sound processing than the NES, let you chat/download warez on BBS's, etc.)

One noteworthy developer for the C64 at the time was Cosmi, who came out with a number of wonderful and eclectic titles: Forbidden Forest, Super Huey (I & II), Caverns of Khafka, Chomp, Defcon 5, Beyond the Forbidden Forest, Slinky, The President is Missing, and... Aztec Challenge.

The author of this game, Paul Norman, was also noteworthy in his orchestral arrangements for his games, which was way beyond the bleeps and boops you might expect from a computer from that time.

So then I get a tweet from outspoken indie game designer Anna Anthropy, who knows about these kinds of things as well, saying Paul did a Flash remake of A.C., but with updated graphics and ZOMGBOOBIES?

I just had to check this out.

Gameplay from C-64 version

(BTW, just like the original, the game's rather graphic in its depiction of deadly Aztec rituals. But there's boobies, so you might enjoy it anyway.)

(I would embed it here but it doesn't let me, so just stop being lazy and open up the following in a new tab, kthx?)

UPDATE: A much nicer looking remake (but without boobies) can be found here