Ironman vs. Batman

I don't know what you're talking about. Iron Man is all about his arrogancy and the way he does things only for himself. The only reason why he saves others is because he feels as if he should. It isn't some kind of warrior moral code with him like Batman. Bruce Wayne is devoted to keeping Gotham thriving a free from all criminal life. He keeps the city of Gotham clean at all costs. Even if he was going to risk his own life in the process. I see Iron Man as the millionare play-boy figure he makes himself to be in the movies he's in. He's nothing short of a Superhero, but his morals are a bit mixed up imo.
Ironman risked his life to save those hostages in the middle east.
Batman beat Superman. I'd say Iron Man would be relatively easy compared to that. Especially considering Batman also has the ability to take out any and all members of the Justice League at any given time.
Batman beat Superman. I'd say Iron Man would be relatively easy compared to that. Especially considering Batman also has the ability to take out any and all members of the Justice League at any given time.
You also have to take into consideration the infinity gauntlet
Disregard all heroes, choose FPS player in Team Deathmatch with unlimited respawns and unlimited time. You can kill that fucker all you want, he ain't disappearing. Also presumably with BF3's unlimited stamina.
Disregard all heroes, choose FPS player in Team Deathmatch with unlimited respawns and unlimited time. You can kill that fucker all you want, he ain't disappearing. Also presumably with BF3's unlimited stamina.
Did you get in the wrong thread Kon?
Would destroy them both :3

Isn't that pretty much what it means to be a hero?

Good for iron man, he now has what pretty much every other hero already had.
We were discussing that Batman cared for others but himself and Ironman didnt, but I brought up how ironman saved hostages in the middle East. Maybe you should read the thread before responding. Ironman cares about other but himself and could destroy batman in a one on one fight. The only reason batman defeated superman was because he used liquid krypnonite, his only weakness, against him.

Would destroy them both :3

Thats not relevant. Thats like saying mewtwo would destory magicarp.

We were discussing that Batman cared for others but himself and Ironman didnt, but I brought up how ironman saved hostages in the middle East. Maybe you should read the thread before responding. Ironman cares about other but himself and could destroy batman in a one on one fight. The only reason batman defeated superman was because he used liquid krypnonite, his only weakness, against him.
He also took out Hulk and sent him into Outer Space because he was getting too strong

He also never kills

Unlike Iron Man

He kills

With absolute no reconcile
Honestly, I think it would end without conflict. Here's what I mean.

Batman is always doing research, always keeping tabs on the new technologies Wayne Industries produce, as well as allies and foes alike. If the two were to meet, Batman would know how the suit works, what the flaws are, and how to overpower it. Without the suit, Ironman doesn't have much to him, but Batman is an expert martial artist.

However, Ironman would likely know this, as he too does his research. He would know that in a fair fight without the fancy gadgets, he'd lose hands down. However, I doubt he would even care all that much. He wears his cards on his sleeves, hides nothing, where Batman is all secretive. Why? Because Tony Stark isn't out for vengence like Bruce Wayne is. He fights his enemies, knowing full well they know who he is, because it means protecting the innocent. And that's where both of them would agree. They probably would never see eye to eye and detest being around each other, but in the end, both fight for the same cause, and both would risk their lives to insure the safety of tomorrow.

However, in terms of cooler toys, Batman wins, hands down. In the superhero teams, however, I have to give it to Ironman.