Ironman vs. Batman

Here's my scenario, which is based on 2 out of 3 fights.

The first fight is tough, but batman wins because he did his homework before the match. He took Tony Stark very seriously, and found a work around all the little gadgets that Tony Stark had developed. Meanwhile, Tony Stark was out at the bars the night before screwing all the hot ladies he could find. He ends up losing the first fight because he was hung-over and batman is a better martial arts fighter. Ironman is pissed up and sober up. Both go back home for a week to recuperate and get ready for the 2nd fight.

This time, Tony Stark, being brilliant genius he is, (using the video recording device from his suite) discovers some flaws in the movements, armor, and gadgets of Mr. Bruce Wayne, aka, Batman. Likewise, Tony Stark discovers would really pisses off Bruce Wayne, and of his weak psychological state. Mr. Stark devises a particular devious device within a fortnight using his brainpower.

During the second fight, the two go at it with all their brilliant display of rich fighting men in their fancy suits. After a while, Ironman gets tired of messing with Bruce's weak psychological state, and just when Batman is at his most angry point, Iron activates his new device he built. This device causes the armor on Batman to shrink and pinch on the particular nerve area where Batman had previously broken his back, thereby rendering Batman useless and almost dead again.

Bruce Wayne spends the next week recovering and mulling and pouting on how he was beaten. Mr. Stark, meanwhile, goes on parties and sells big weapons to the army again. Bruce Wayne gets some counseling and hears his father's voice- "you know why we fall, Bruce?"

The two prepare for the the third fight. Right before the two charge each other, an alien from outer space attacks, bent on destroying earth, and the fight between Batman and Ironman is suspended while the two have to learn to work together to save earth from ultimate doom.