January 1st 2013.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. After the new year many people come up with a few idea's or even a list of things they plan to do after the clock strikes 12:00am on january 1st to better themselves (Although some do not even make it to january 2nd).

One of mine is to get my first (Real) job after i turn sixteen in march.

Please post some of your new year's resolutions in this thread.:D
My new year's resolution is to get in-shape (I'm not fat, I just want to be stronger), and lay off the video games a tiny bit. It's not a good sign when you're 13 and play 6+ hours of video games a day. I'll still make time for it, just not as much.
I'm not that into resolutions, but in a perfect world I'd try to take some serious action against gun violence. It's reached a level that is simply sickening.

Another, although even less likely than the above resolution would be to get some sun. Hard for an internet-addict who lives in a very grey state!
Resolution: Lose some weight, get a bit stronger, focus on my schoolwork more and get myself a girlfriend (I am close to achieving that last goal :thumbsup: )
Every year, I say I'm going to take care of myself better. Every year, I forget.
I guess I'm going to try that again. I want to start jogging, and maybe eat a bit better.
I want to find a part-time job of some kind.
I want to go to The Shelburne Museum with Arthur.
I want my muggers to go to jail.
I just want to get through 2013 in one piece, without going to jail, getting knocked up or losing an eye.
Well, it has become clear to me that the value of money has gone up, and the price of life seems to get cheaper it makes clear and complete sense to make money and achieve financial freedom. That's a good new year's resolution.

I'll compound this resolution with every following resolution for added effect.
I think my new years resolution last year was to not be so lazy/not spend all day on the computer.

I failed horribly.

Might try it again this year. Or spend more time with friends. One of the two, or both.
I have a few New Year's Resolutions, probably the most important is getting my driver's license.
I'm not a bad driver, but I've been holding off on that because I'm pretty sure I'd fail the driving test.

Next would be to get my high-school graduate related things sorted out because of college and all that (I have no idea where I'm going!)

Lastly, hang with my tulpa some more.