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Just had oral surgery


Well-Known Member
Yep, just had it... It hurts like a bitch.
Full story:
I had an xray and a ct scan to make sure. I have a tooth that was growing sideways and it's starting to affect my other teeth. The surgeon said I should do the surgery right now, I was like 'WUT' since I was preparing to do the surgery in Christmas. The surgeon explained there is a cyst around my fuckedup tooth and there is a chance it could be a tumor. So I said fuck yes to the surgery as I didn't want CANCER. The surgeon then put me to sleep and shit, but it wasn't proper anesthetia. I could still speak. During the middle of the surgery, I woke up lulz. I then couldn't move so asked are we done yet. The surgeon quickly replied 'stfu' and, in the blurred distance, i saw him take my tooth out! I was fucking scared and I went back to sleep. I woke up with stiches in my gums and lips, biting on a piece of thing to stop the bleeding derp. I couldn't feel my right side of my face for the rest of teh nightz.

I now feel way betterz!
"I then couldn't move so asked are we done yet. The surgeon quickly replied 'stfu' and, in the blurred distance, i saw him take my tooth out"

That guy didn't have fucks to give
you sir, had it easy....when I had to go in to get 4 teeth pulled, the surgeon gave me 16 shots of Novocaine and took what I remember to be stainless steel pliers and just pulled them out in all of 2 min......were I not severely drugged.....some of that may have worried me.
That sucks. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, they pulled up part of my jaw bone which I then had to go back in the next day to have filed down. I hate cysts.
My nerves are fucked up in my mouth. None of them are in the right places, and my gums are next to immune to freezing. For any mouth surgery I have to be put under full-body anesthesia, or grin and bear it.

Let me be the first to say that those little grinder drill things HURT.
When I had a rotten tooth pulled they knocked me out because a wisdom tooth was under it. I woke up covered in blood and asked when they were gonna pull my tooth. When they said they already had I laughed hysterically.
Once I went to the dentist for a routine check up. Everything was fine. I got a lollipop and some free floss. Then I went home. #DentistHorrorStories.
I've never had anything but my wisdom teeth taken out. I don't even remember that. They put me under. I've also had jaw surgery. That was not the bees knees. Mostly because I couldn't talk for a few days afterward and most of my face hurt. I'm just glad they didn't have to wire my jaws shut. Oh on the plus side, for me at least. I can no longer have MRI's? Because of the magnets involved. Hooray! I didn't like them anyway. Claustrophobia anyone?

I suppose just be happy it wasn't worse then it was?
@KC....again, I was really really drugged and felt nothing other than someone pushing on my face.....but I did see my teeth coming out and I was not able to close my mouth or spit for the rest of the day.....but it worked out, I just held a spitcup and if I started to drown in my saliva(again could not tell how much was in my mouth) I would just lean forward and it would clear and I could breath again......in hind sight, should have worried me a bit.....but it was apparently hilarious, so I was ok with it.
I recently had extractions, and I'm going today to get ready for 2 more to get pulled and partials. It was nothing. I got general anesthesia and I was out. I swore I woke up 30 seconds later asking if they were done. I had two tampons in my mouth. No pain, a little soreness though, but the hydrocodone took care of that. ;-)