Just your friendly neighborhood baked-good


Welcome to T9k :D. Sorry I'm really at a loss for words as to how to communicate with a cupcake, usually I see them and then I don't, it's the strangest thing.

P.S. Feel free to check out the T9k mumble stuff :p
Welcome to T9k :D. Sorry I'm really at a loss for words as to how to communicate with a cupcake, usually I see them and then I don't, it's the strangest thing.

P.S. Feel free to check out the T9k mumble stuff :p
Well usually us cupcakes are too busy being eaten to hold a conversation. I'm a little surprised I've been able to last this long.
It's a hard life for a cupcake.

I might check out the mumbles some day.

**checks anyway**
Me and Zenny played on the classic server for the first time sometime in Feb 2011 during school lunch, right next to each other. After that I joined the forums a month later.

A month after that Zenny joined us, but didn't do much until 2012.

Then in late 2012, the good and sexy Neighslayer joined us to bring on the horse-men.

Then Zenny's sister, Kitty Bojingles, joined us exactly one year ago! Woo!

Shortly after, our good friend the raptor himself, Nekosol, came in riding on his backwards lawnmower!

And now...after years and years of intense training...the Cupcake we all know and love...has arrived.

Now I would mention Koshii and TheGreatandPowerfulTrixie, but they don't go on anymore. I miss em.

So, the whole gang is here! Finally. We all know each other IRL by the way, if you didn't catch on.
This did the trick. Who knew being stared at disapprovingly by God could save you from X?
Good show man. Good show.
TomSka Videos?
Zen, some girl here.
Anyways, Hello! Welcome to this [/i]erm[/i] conglomeration... Yes! Welcome!

I assume you also partake in watching Sherlock, and perhaps one of the greatest shows ever devised by a British mind, Doctor Who?
TomSka Videos?
Zen, some girl here.
Anyways, Hello! Welcome to this erm conglomeration... Yes! Welcome!
I assume you also partake in watching Sherlock, and perhaps one of the greatest shows ever devised by a British mind, Doctor Who?

Haha, I'm about to lose any brownie points I may have gained with the Tomska videos. I know of those two shows, yes; but I'm afraid I don't watch them.
Hard not to know of them when you browse tumblr. =P

That and if you're into one of those "popular fandoms" you can bet your ass you'll be seeing the others in some shape or form.

Like Supernatural. They have a gif for damn near everything. It's crazy. O_O
You will fit in here just right.
You have also gained much respect by the Timelord
Perhaps we will play starbound together at some point.
I ask you madame (yes, yes I accidentally wrote monsieur before I edited it to madame but hey, everyone in the internet is male right?) cupcake who is conceited...

