Just your friendly neighborhood baked-good

She meant "open legs". Hopefully that clears up any confusion or disappointment you might have had. :p
Why not both?
Clawful, these little crapposts of "Omg, that's so vulgar", "Ew." "You shouldn't be saying stuff like that.", etc. ARE KILLING ME!

Seriously, this is a mature forum. We say what we find funny and have no issues with it. It's been like this for years. Even if you don't like sexual innuendos or menting of "naughty parts", it's to be expected as this is a community largely consisted of those 18 plus. Even 16 plus.

This is why there's an age limit. Seriously, it's bugging me that you're going on like this in an open forum. It shouldn't be a big deal. Even if it bothers you, you don't need to place pointless posts to get that across to everyone. :/