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Kc006 hosts-T9K Spleef Game---OR NOT???

Should this be held?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 46 76.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • Maybe so.

    Votes: 10 16.7%

  • Total voters

Round 1 Matchups #1

KillzHew vs. simonwildcar
flamingcactus vs. omfgcraft

Round 1 matchups #2

Jonocacher vs. tacocacti
team7 vs team8
Um, I dunno should we drop it, its ok but a little confusing
Vincent Ill think, be more active, Im online like everyday. Keep up da good work
Wtf IS this conference thing? :confused:

I dunno... It's some wierd name that Killz has for what is a 'tourney' - where teams are placed into different 'seeds' - or as Killz is calling them - 'conferences' - and then work their way up.
Like a tourney in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Yay!! :D We will win ;)

How should our team be named? :)

@KC006: IF we win, do we get one beta code or two? Like, otherwise that would be kinda... weird...
we could be called omfgcraft like killz said or we could call ourselves: the king ghasts
But Proto, it would be great if you were there in some way.
I haven't really seen you around lately - I think you have been on Beta.
Important message: you will see a small arena on top the arena, that is by quazy. It is only used for the final round.
So i suppose the contest is still up. Would anyone like to team up with me!! Anyone even a kid Come on i realy want to play :D
And If we do so, I will kill you. The King Ghasts will kill your team. Your life will be deleted. ;) no seriously, hope on a great game
Note: If you see a large, UFO-like building above the arena, don't touch it. It's The Final Round Arena. Little Surprise down below too ;3
Just another update: my exams are over - woo bloddy hoo! :D
And Michael's response for Mumble: still pending.