League of Legends Thread

Lol, he gets banned every single ranked match... a really good shen player is just immortal.

But you got alot of choices,

Rammus best tank for early ganks, maokai/alistar come second.
Nautilus tons of cc, good jungler (banned less than rammus in high ranks, never encounter a ban on rammus in low ranks)
Galio good laning tank, counterpick vs magic damage, also good for aoe comps.
Leona good for kill lanes, whether with an agressive ad carry or another cc/high burst champ.
Alistar probably best overall support tank. Very good peel and cc.
Edit: Forgot about Malphite. That dude is amazing, but he gets banned often aswell so...

My favorite is Alistar :D
Tried all of them, except Leona. So far, I like them all, except for Malphite, but that was because I had a really bad game with him. =_=
Nautilus is pretty squishy imo :D (atleast in the beginning)

Yeah, but mid/late game with some kills.. ;p

Tried all of them, except Leona. So far, I like them all, except for Malphite, but that was because I had a really bad game with him. =_=

You should try Leona, her stuns are OP!
Give Malphite another shot, a perfect timed ult against the entire enemy team is really satisfying :)
Lol, he gets banned every single ranked match... a really good shen player is just immortal.

But you got alot of choices,

Rammus best tank for early ganks, maokai/alistar come second.
Nautilus tons of cc, good jungler (banned less than rammus in high ranks, never encounter a ban on rammus in low ranks)
Galio good laning tank, counterpick vs magic damage, also good for aoe comps.
Leona good for kill lanes, whether with an agressive ad carry or another cc/high burst champ.
Alistar probably best overall support tank. Very good peel and cc.
Edit: Forgot about Malphite. That dude is amazing, but he gets banned often aswell so...

My favorite is Alistar :D
mundo tanks as he pleases
Malphite is an awesome tank... but when you help and kill other champs your teammates are mad becouse you stole
"their" kill :D ... noobs
Had my best matches with him :p
(Also.. I've seen Garen as Tank... :rofl: was fun to watch)

FUCK YEAH. Got 11/1/14. Our Tryndamere made a fucking pentakill, and guess what happened right after? THEY SURRENDERED! I fell of my chair while laughing! This is why Malphite rocks (Pun intended)!
Btw, if you're wondering, the enemy team is talking about how I couldn't die.
Hate to break the topic of discussion but anyone else excited for the (possible) new champ; Vi, The Piltover Enforcer?View attachment 135328
She has already been confirmed and is playable on the PBE. Her skin (neon vi) is confirmed. Her kit seems nice but her passive seems a bit op, however the 16 second cd balances it out. Her ultimate and then a quick q into an e makes a great initiation into team fights and her w allows her to quickly deal massive damage while her passive grants protection. From what I've seen she has a decent clear time in the jungle and a very strong top lane. Did you know she can make a cup of coffee just by clapping her hands together? (it's one of her emotes)


neon vi

EDIT: http://www.newsoflegends.com/index.php/champion-preview-vi-for-vendetta-413/
more information