League of Legends Thread

Switch it and you have me. Never jungling but constant ganks.
Exactly, if you play a jungler with strong ganks, and have a high success rate with ganks, than you can never get behind. I usually just clear my buffs or maybe wolves or golems on the way to a lane then I'm good to go.
Exactly, if you play a jungler with strong ganks, and have a high success rate with ganks, than you can never get behind. I usually just clear my buffs or maybe wolves or golems on the way to a lane then I'm good to go.
Not exactly. If I'm constantly ganking, I'm missing out on the valuable cs the jungle provides. If my opposing jungler were to evenly balance farming and ganking, he would be far ahead of me. Just because a gank is successful doesn't mean I will get the kill. I still need to farm the jungle for more gold and more levels. But really it depends on your matchups.
Not exactly. If I'm constantly ganking, I'm missing out on the valuable cs the jungle provides. If my opposing jungler were to evenly balance farming and ganking, he would be far ahead of me. Just because a gank is successful doesn't mean I will get the kill. I still need to farm the jungle for more gold and more levels. But really it depends on your matchups.
True, but I try to put a hand in alot of my teams kills, give the kill to the lane, and if you can get good camp clears inbetween ganks, you can still get ahead of a jungler that constantly CS's and tries to force a gank when his lane starts raging at him, and ends up dieing.
Would anyone in their right fcking mind ever pay THIS much to watch something that will be streamed anyways? REALLY?


But at least it's free shipping :rolleyes:
oh so guys if you are a fan of the summoner-showcase, the lady (nikisaur) who normal does them has officially left riot so either someone else will do pick it up or they won't be a thing

second going to worlds would be amazing but man I think they are sold out so meh

third make sure to watch the worlds on like twitch or something, so far they have given out icons and stuff for watching and plus it is amazing to watch top caliber teams duke it out.

fourth I really need to work on getting good enough to play ranked but that month off I had threw me into the mud man
third make sure to watch the worlds on like twitch or something, so far they have given out icons and stuff for watching and plus it is amazing to watch top caliber teams duke it out.
How would they even give them out? Codes? Do you need to have your summoner name posted somewhere? Wat.
I don't understand how some people don't move up from Bronze V, everyone is terrible (truth be told). If you need tips or something let me know.
In regards to ranked games, and I'm sure I've said this before in somewhere in this thread, I personally believe people shouldn't do ranked before they have 400-600 normal wins. Being level 30 really doesn't mean that someone is ready for ranked unless they are simply amazing at the game. I made this mistake season 1 and couldn't even make bronze. Time is your friend and you should always try to notice your own mistakes and improve them. Do your best to avoid blaming teammates, as there is always something YOU can improve on. Sometimes it is obvious that your teammates are bad, but part of playing ranked is that you have to learn how to carry those terrible people. Creeper and I frequently duo and have games where it's he and I against the world. Just do your best to practice, learn to CS, learn to position, learn to take objectives and when to do so. Don't give up hope, keep practicing.
Its better to try and get the experience in ranked. Ranked and normals are completely different. If you need more experience then you'll get placed in low elo.
Its better to try and get the experience in ranked. Ranked and normals are completely different. If you need more experience then you'll get placed in low elo.

It's still a good idea to go through some normals so you know how to fight against human opponents effectively. I fully agree with Io when he says getting 400+ wins under your belt, not only for the experience but for the champion and rune pools you'll have available to you when you do end up joining ranked. Jumping straight into ranked may seem like a good idea, and it is to some extent, but you should really wait until you have a decent champion pool and an ability to play effectively in every role. Otherwise, you'll be a detriment to your team and become frustrated with not being able to advance properly.
so in case people where wondering patch 3.11 has come out now
patch notes!

I agree with allimon and io you really should play as many normals before going to ranked I don't like the number but even now I know I am no where near ready for ranked even though I really want a border :D
so in case people where wondering patch 3.11 has come out now
patch notes!

I agree with allimon and io you really should play as many normals before going to ranked I don't like the number but even now I know I am no where near ready for ranked even though I really want a border :D
Ermehgurd an undo button! When I first join a game for about 10 sec I have less than an fps then it jumps up from that to it's usual 10-20. Now I wont be starting Mana manipulator 5 mana pots on jungle lee sin...
afk in ranked pisses me off more than I would like to say, and how there is no way to get the loss forgiven.
afk in ranked pisses me off more than I would like to say, and how there is no way to get the loss forgiven.
Loss forgiven is only given out when riot has server problems, games with which the fault belongs to riot, not the players.
Loss forgiven is only given out when riot has server problems, games with which the fault belongs to riot, not the players.

That is why I said "and how there is no way to get the loss forgiven". I am going through the ranked promo on this account for the first time and troll stomp 3 out of 5 games. The other 2 I lost because of leavers/afk. I really don't want to do all the work to make up the loss in starting rank that will happen because of this shit.
Don't like it when a teammate leaves the game? Need to take a piss real quick? Riot don't care.

"Reduced the amount of time you can spend AFK before being kicked from the game"

Also, relaxing custom games where you don't have to deal with other asshats have become useless and unrewarding. Since you might as well just do Co-op vs. AI instead.

"A minimum number of human players must now participate in a custom game to receive IP/XP rewards. The current thresholds are:
5 players minimum for Summoner’s Rift, Crystal Scar, and Howling Abyss
3 players minimum for Twisted Treeline
A notification has been added in the end of game results screen to explain why players did not receive IP/XP"