League of Legends Thread

Anyone gold+ willing to duo with me to finish off gold promos? I keep going 2-3 in them and I'm having a very hard time finishing them off. It's almost like climbing a huge ladder, but the last rung is missing and you can't reach the ledge above it. You keep trying for it but it's just barely out of reach, and you need the person at the top to reach down and give you a hand to pull you the rest of the way up
If anyone wants to grind to gold, I kind of decayed out of it. I'll be on from 2 am est to around 5 am est on 11/11/14.
Username: Wrathrox8

Champions Owned: Alistar, annie, ashe, brand, master yi, pantheon, teemo, sivir, tristana

Preferred Roles: any lane I'm fine with. Fighter, Mage(Brand), marksman, and tank. but it all differs depending on what the team picks.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: I like all the maps. Been playing aram more since its a challenge. But least would be dominion. The all randoms are fun for aram. Sometimes do team builder or draft picks.

I'm not new. Been playing leagues for quite awhile off and on. But takes forever to level. Right now I'm about to be lvl 20.
Well, time to make a new Hecarim build based around the new items...

Here are their abilities:

Been working on my new Shaco build. Unfortunately I've found that Poacher's Knife sucks on my PBE testing. Stalker's Blade is my item of choice. You can smite AND ignite teemo. I am happy.
Summoner Name: WhiteMageVeigarX

Champions Owned: All except Gnar, Lissandra and Ezreal.

Preferred Roles: I main jungle. Its probobly my best role. My main champions/ Favourite champions are Lee Sin, Nocturne, Shaco and Wukong.

Preffered Maps/Arrangements: Summoners rift = GG Best map NA.

I was silver, now im nothing. Feel free to add me. I play ranked alot and ill duo with anyone that wants to. I enjoy the company! :)
Alright, so ol' Cheese here finally hit level 30. While I would like to get right into ranked, I know I am not ready, and I really don't want to get trapped in Bronze like my friend. If anyone has some advice as for preparing for ranked, please let me know. I plan on trying new champions more and watching ranked matches, but I believe that alone is far from good preparation.

Anyways, I never did one of these, so I guess it's my time to put my League info on here:

Summoner Name: Cheese7710

Champions Owned: Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Garen, Hecarim (Rainbow Ponies all the way), Jinx, Kalista, Kayle, Malphite, Master Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Poppy, Rammus, Ryze, Sivir, Sona (AP Sona is OP), Soraka, Teemo, Tristana, Tryndamere, Veigar, Warwick, and Zilean

Preferred Champions (Just to give you an idea who I'm best at): Hecarim, Sona, Veigar, Tryndamere, Jinx, and Kalista

Preferred Roles: I usually prefer any role besides support, as I play a good top, jungle, and mid. I am trying to improve my adc as well, and if I trust my adc I will be a good support.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift NA server, I generally hate blind pick, and although i like team builder, I prefer draft pick.

*NOTE* I do like playing support, but the reason I try to avoid it is because whenever I play Sona, my adc usually derps around thinking "Hey, I can jump right into them and go Leroy Jenkins because I have a Sona to heal me" and then they get mad when I'm out of mana or on cooldown because they jumped in.
Alright, so ol' Cheese here finally hit level 30. While I would like to get right into ranked, I know I am not ready, and I really don't want to get trapped in Bronze like my friend. If anyone has some advice as for preparing for ranked, please let me know. I plan on trying new champions more and watching ranked matches, but I believe that alone is far from good preparation.

Anyways, I never did one of these, so I guess it's my time to put my League info on here:

Summoner Name: Cheese7710

Champions Owned: Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Garen, Hecarim (Rainbow Ponies all the way), Jinx, Kalista, Kayle, Malphite, Master Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Poppy, Rammus, Ryze, Sivir, Sona (AP Sona is OP), Soraka, Teemo, Tristana, Tryndamere, Veigar, Warwick, and Zilean

Preferred Champions (Just to give you an idea who I'm best at): Hecarim, Sona, Veigar, Tryndamere, Jinx, and Kalista

Preferred Roles: I usually prefer any role besides support, as I play a good top, jungle, and mid. I am trying to improve my adc as well, and if I trust my adc I will be a good support.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift NA server, I generally hate blind pick, and although i like team builder, I prefer draft pick.

*NOTE* I do like playing support, but the reason I try to avoid it is because whenever I play Sona, my adc usually derps around thinking "Hey, I can jump right into them and go Leroy Jenkins because I have a Sona to heal me" and then they get mad when I'm out of mana or on cooldown because they jumped in.
There is no such thing as trapped in bronze, if you improve while in bronze, your rank will rise as well.

Just make sure you have 2 full rune pages, and jump in when you're ready. Ranked isn't as big a deal as it's made out to be.
There is no such thing as trapped in bronze, if you improve while in bronze, your rank will rise as well.

Just make sure you have 2 full rune pages, and jump in when you're ready. Ranked isn't as big a deal as it's made out to be.
I plan on having an ad and ap rune page, as most rune builds I see have those.

woooooh, boy. this might get me back into playing League...

<3 Void-critters

dat anti-jungle

and FINALLY another non-humanoid female character (because Anivia has been foreveralone.jpg all this time)
(and Elise/Nidalee half count; tricky shifters :confused: )
Slowly getting back into the game, practice for the next season.

I just wish I had the motivation to win, losing just feels so much more rewarding, even in ranked(I get to play, don't have to try, and still get IP for it).

I really need to get a new mindset if I want to climb.