League of Legends Thread

Try Co-Op vs AI. You might be able to learn a bit more of good tactics playing with others.
do this, and when you get better, move up to intermediate and from there to pvp. Once you get very good at blind pick pvp, move up to draft pick. Usually you want to do this about mid-late 20's, as this will help prepare you for ranked.
Updating LoL right quick, I'll be up for a game or 2. Carry mid Veigar or I'll be happy to range with Draven :). Pretty sure my user for LoL was Dabored (lvl 17).

Managed to get Platinum Elo for the 3 vs 3 ranked queue.
Managed to get Gold Elo for the Solo Q.
Current rating in Solo Queue, Season 3 - 1490 (4 W-1L)...and counting.

Main role: Mid lane, mastered most Mid lane champions.
Secondary role: Jungle, mastered a couple of champions there as well.
Alternative roles: Everything else having the ADC as a last option.

I really wish I could play with you guys, but damnit you are all in NA and transfering there would be a pain... If anyone needs any tips or anything at all don't hesitate to ask, its the least I can do taking into account I can't play with you all :(
I'm at level 30 in EUW, but I'll probably restart in NA to play with you guys :)
If anyone can teach me how to proper jungle, I 'd love to learn all the different roles of LoL
I mostly play tank (nautilus/Alistar)
or AD (Ashe, Nocturne,Pantheon)

But I try out lot's of other champions...
IF anything, I would love to play with more experienced players to learn more so I can start playing ranked games ;)
or just enjoy playing with guys from outside the European Continent :p