League of Legends Thread

What's your summoner name, out of curiosity?

Edit: Brand is stupidly easy to shut down. Either choose a champ fast enough to get out of his W circle, or poke him safely. He is also very easy to gank, as he is one of the few regularly played ap carries with no reliable escape or cc. His Q depends on him being able to land 2 skills.
As someone who used to main brand, and spending many months perfecting him as much as possible, I feel that most people don't know his true power. Although you get the aoe bonus in brand's e when enemies are ablaze, I find it better to use that first. Because his e isn't a skill shot, it allows you to easily light people ablaze for you to land your stun on. Once stunned, use your w on them and they will not be able to escape before it activates. You will also be able to get the bonus damage from the blaze. Although you will most likely find valid reasons to argue against this, it also depends highly on skill with champion. Whether or not u can properly aim your w and q, and to know the delay on his spells and the duration of his passive.
I went like 0/7 today. Just one of those days when there is a dumb fuck on every one of your teams who doesn't speak and goes 0/7 mid in 10 mins. Literally every game was like that all day, culminating to 0 wins. fml.
If anyone wants to play just add joe34 and give me a shout, I'm level thirty and i main adc, but play any role.
Whenever I'm online I'm probably down to play. Ranked or norms im down
o.o DIG beat CRS.... wowowowow
To be totally honest, crs got shut down pretty early and just could not come back (it was like 14 -2 kills alone), Not to say crs did a bad job per say, just dig did a better job of keeping the pressure on them and won because of it.

some of the people (in chat) blamed voyboy for not carrying the team, and even after crs ganked bot lan and got first blood dig just rose to the challenge and kept the pressure on the entire match. I mean hell crs gave up the top outer turret for dragon which put voyboy in an even harder place and gave dig a map control boost early game.
Curse is a great team, but all of dignitas players are better than the curse equivalent with the possible exceptions of top and support. Those two are by far the best teams in north America by a mile. The other teams are pretty much battling for third place.
Curse is a great team, but all of dignitas players are better than the curse equivalent with the possible exceptions of top and support. Those two are by far the best teams in north America by a mile. The other teams are pretty much battling for third place.
Oh, so TSM doesn't exist anymore?