League of Legends Thread

Found another good Guide site: LoLPro (Curse)

I recently found out that a lot of guide sites guide players who are around level 30. Being that I'm only at 11 right now, a lot of the items they list are difficult to obtain, and the Runes and Masteries arrangements they have don't directly apply to players of lower levels, though they do help. Overall, I do use the guides to help get a better perspective of how to use the champions more effectively.
Found another good Guide site: LoLPro (Curse)

I recently found out that a lot of guide sites guide players who are around level 30. Being that I'm only at 11 right now, a lot of the items they list are difficult to obtain, and the Runes and Masteries arrangements they have don't directly apply to players of lower levels, though they do help. Overall, I do use the guides to help get a better perspective of how to use the champions more effectively.
awesome it is great to hear you are finding success with guides!

also had a fun match with masterbuffalo and pyrofiredelta, the jungler wasn't the best but at the end we managed to focus enough to actually pull a win. support nid for the win :D and I think caught up nicely considering I was a tad behind in gold. (plus fiora got kills from me sigh)
awesome it is great to hear you are finding success with guides!

also had a fun match with masterbuffalo and pyrofiredelta, the jungler wasn't the best but at the end we managed to focus enough to actually pull a win. support nid for the win :D and I think caught up nicely considering I was a tad behind in gold. (plus fiora got kills from me sigh)
I accidentally mistook your friend request for one of the hundreds of game invites I get and declined it on accident. Please resend it. :)

EDIT: just found this off of the LoL Website:

These changes preserve the intended gameplay and counterplay of Bloodlust by forcing AP Tryndamere build up Fury before being able to fully take advantage of his heal. Using Bloodlust at 100 Fury will result in the same 1.5 AP ratio as before the patch.

Ability Power ratio adjusted to 0.3 + 0.012 per Fury consumed (total 1.5 at maximum Fury) from 1.5

Source: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/patch-303-notes

What does this mean? It means that AP Tryndamere got very decent nerf off of the healing on his Q (Bloodlust). Now we wont have those Tryndameres flying around healing so much.

If the video doesn't show, go here.
I accidentally mistook your friend request for one of the hundreds of game invites I get and declined it on accident. Please resend it. :)

lol that is fine thank you for resending it. ( I went to bed shorty after I posted lol)

and there were a lot of changes to cdhamps today. I feel like they need to give ashe a walking speed boost cause she still has no escapes.
and It is rather amusing to see trist get an attack speed boost when her Q is a massive boost within its self. personally if they made her rocket jump less clunky I wound be very happy. the xin nerf was probably need but damn they nerfed him hard.
I feel like they need to give ashe a walking speed boost cause she still has no escapes.

Ashe does have an escape just not an ability for it. when running land basic attacks behind you to keep your slow on them.

Ps: I need to play a game with you guys sometime so add me. Summoner name Zalhavvak
found this while going through the LoL forums GD

Xelnath said:
Dorotheus said:
I ummm... was recently "taught" how to play Rengar... and I must say he's not weak at all. Anyone with range or a ranged stun can kinda keep him at arm's length, but if he can get the jump on a person, he can assassinate them... pretty effectively.
Have you heard about the meta-breaking group with Rengar?

I haven't tried it yet, but I heard it goes:

Quinn Top - AP Mid / Standard Jungle - Thresh /Rengar - Bot.

Rengar all-ins the AD, then clicks lantern to escape back into the brush. Thresh protects for 6-7 sec, then Rengar does it again.
must... try...
Thank god I came across this topic!

Favorite champions: Nidalee, Jax, and Riven.

The one I kick the most ass with? Taric top. Gems are truly outrageous. ^^
I'm creating one, inviting everyone on the ranked team.
Also, is it strange to predict every skin and champion that went on sale?
I really don't use skype, not even sure it's installed on comp, just kind of tell me when and I'll make an effort to be there. I can play pretty much anything, just let me know
kinda disappointed that i'm not on the T9k ranked team. If a position is available let me know and ill take it.
I actually just started playing LoL and im doing extremely bad. Anyone have tips or anything to help me a bit? :s
Get the hang of mixing last hitting with harassment, try and find a champ that you like and stick to that champion until you're comfortable with it, watch some videos to know when you should freeze your lane, when to push, and what to build, and lastly: When you get killed, lose your lane, lose a match, win a match, or do anything of the sorts, ask yourself "Why?"

Knowing why you died or why you lost a lane can prevent you from dying or losing that lane for the same reason next match. Knowing why you won a match gives you an idea of what you should keep doing to win more. That's about all I have to offer. Sadly, I'm too tired to take the time to word it better. :D