League of Legends Thread

I was like, wtf. Lichbane fucking asshole. Who does that.
woo just had a great game. 10/0/1 amazing cho'gath jungle camped my top and i fed off vlad. only later to 1v2 the jungler walking away with a double kill. then 2 people on their team rage quit. we then proceeded to destroy the nexus, all in under 20 min. You might not believe it but this was a ranked match.

Edit: was playing Garen btw
So in case anyone doesn't watch the pro scene ktb defeated gambit gaming 2-1 in a best of three for the international expo. The matches where fantastic and everyone played really well. It is amusing and unsettling to see how butt hurt everyone was about gg losing and the general racism did not help matters either. I'm not gonna dwell on that subject because quite frankly it is stupid and immature but it was nice to see a really good match up like that cause you just don't see them that often.

On another note dmc, his friends and I had some really entertaining matches recently (I had a lull of just not wanting to play so I was a tad rusty) and it was funny as hell to see some of the things we pulled off once we started meshing (especially my executions with tristy's ulti) so yea. I've also decided that I like lulu as a support a lot and am probably gonna get her.
So A whole bunch of NA and EU players in teams for LCS have been caught elo-boosting. They have been issued with 14 day account suspensions and all Season 2 rewards have been revoked. Pretty disappointing but not surprsing in my opinion.

In addition, Good Game University (GGU) General Manager Sam “Hexo” Bouchard has been caught DDoSing opponents but no serious penalties have been applied as this is now his final warning.
So A whole bunch of NA and EU players in teams for LCS have been caught elo-boosting. They have been issued with 14 day account suspensions and all Season 2 rewards have been revoked. Pretty disappointing but not surprsing in my opinion.

In addition, Good Game University (GGU) General Manager Sam “Hexo” Bouchard has been caught DDoSing opponents but no serious penalties have been applied as this is now his final warning.

I saw the DDoSing on the forums earlier today and I personally believe it's bullshit that he was only given a warning. As far as I'm concerned, there's enough evidence for a perm ban to be put in place.
I'm sure you all already know but new champ called Zac, The Secret Weapon has been announced. Looks to be an AP tank specialising in top lane. Also, he looks like he's made out of boogers.
Booger monster = gg wp

Username: DGLegacy

Champions Owned: alistar annie ashe blitzcrank caitlyn cho'gath corki darius dr.mundo draven evelynn ezreal fiddlesticks fiora fizz gangplank garen janna jax jayce kassadin katarina kalye khazix leblanc lee-sin malphite master yi morgana nami nasus nautilus nidalee nunu olaf pantheon poppy rengar ryze shaco shen singed swain talon taric teemo tryndamere twisted fate veigar vi volibear warwick wukong zed zilean

Preferred Roles: anything except support: Im terrible at support. (blood-thirsty)

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: I personally enjoy dominion the most, but I'm down for anything.

-- to be honest i avoid ranked games, i just play everything else lol, ive had such bad luck during ranks, 2 afks teamates, 4 hour power outage -.-, then people who plain don't listen, or dont know how to build lol.