League of Legends Thread

...... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Riot, why? ;_; I loved running Revive/Teleport on Summoner's Rift. Now, I can't anymore.... I also can't use my typical support set-up of Teleport/Clarity either. T_T /sadkoalaissad
This will be interesting when I log on in a few days.

The hardest part for me to adapt to is probably the new jungle camp. The order in which I go for my first clear might alter a bit, or I could just stop at golems. Also, the fact that Machete starts healing for a flat amount is really helpful. Trinkets won't be a serious problem because Evelynn is awesome like that. :3

Another aspect I find interesting is the new masteries. I'm going to find it interesting to try out new setups with the pages and figure out what's the most effective for each champ I play.

Support changes will also be fun, I may be finally be able to play Support for once. :3
This will be interesting when I log on in a few days.

Support changes will also be fun, I may be finally be able to play Support for once. :3

I'm personally looking forward to the new items. The new trinktes will be useful for the ward limit. I just hope everyone else on my team remebers to get a trinket
The game mode All For One is now available.
I find this as a good way to learn new champs before buying them.
I guess it would be a good way to experience a champ's moveset before buying but I would think you would still need to play some regular games with the champ before deciding if they are right for you.
So far my favorite champion in One for All is Shaco. It's just far too fun to have everyone spam JITBs and baiting their team into them. It's also quite hilarious when everyone ults at the same team and suddenly it's a 10v5.
My favorite One for All so far...

LeBlanc. Had a 5v5 LB vs. Zed. Obviously the Zeds won, but dear God the jukes and assassinations.
I played a blitz vs riven game, other then the fact it took my like 30 minutes to learn how to blitzcrank we won and it was fun.

the other game we had was voli vs trundle and I pretty much dominated for the majority of the game (it was interesting to see what other voli's built)

I'm looking forward to playing more of these types of games, I just hope I don't get stuck on a champ that i'm not comfortable with
I played a blitz vs riven game, other then the fact it took my like 30 minutes to learn how to blitzcrank we won and it was fun.

the other game we had was voli vs trundle and I pretty much dominated for the majority of the game (it was interesting to see what other voli's built)

I'm looking forward to playing more of these types of games, I just hope I don't get stuck on a champ that i'm not comfortable with

Honestly, playing with champs you have never played with before is half the fun. It is just madness and a great way to learn a champ, because you get to see 4 other people's strategies, combos and builds at the same time.
Honestly, playing with champs you have never played with before is half the fun. It is just madness and a great way to learn a champ, because you get to see 4 other people's strategies, combos and builds at the same time.
oh I know that is the reason I love aram because it is fun, no one cares and you get to learn how this champ plays on a easy to learn battle ground.

that being said I played a game of sion and it was weird but good. I felt like I was doing decently until the rivens got fed to hell. I also did decently as lee sin but the jarvans were too tanky for us. (I went for a tank lee so my damage output lacked yet somehow I had the most kills)

I think I'm gonna play it some more because It is forcing me to play SR which I have been avoiding for a while now so that I can actually play normals.

so the snowdown will bring three new skins and I have to say the lulu skin (which is in the link I just provided) looks amazing and will probably be at least 1350 if not 1820 due to the amount of particle changes and the like (honestly It looks better than the dragon tamer skin which is also 1350 and just pix changed)

After 2 years I'm finally getting bored of this game. :eek:

Not sure if I'll get into it again as much as I used to, but I'm still logged in a lot so everyone is welcome to invite me to games.