League of Legends Thread

However, if you want to bet on yourself and put the time in to master any single champion, rengar is one of the most abusable champs for the role. A good rengar is DEVASTATING if he gets an early lead.
Not if its in league of salt, rengar throws, everytime.
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Evelynn is pretty broken this season. 10 of my kills was me standing in the middle of the lanes.

Suggestions for that build there.

Switch out Wraith for Lizard, because since she deals consistent damage with her Q, it deals a lot of true damage, and the AD is helpful since a some of her abilities scale off it. Don't build Frozen Mallet, that's just weird. Build Rylai's. It gives a good slow, AP, and health. Combine that with Liandry's, and everything is burning, and the damage from Liandry's is doubled. This one is natural preference, but I would build Rabadon's over DFG because it gives more damage overall than on just one person. That's about it.
Suggestions for that build there.

Switch out Wraith for Lizard, because since she deals consistent damage with her Q, it deals a lot of true damage, and the AD is helpful since a some of her abilities scale off it. Don't build Frozen Mallet, that's just weird. Build Rylai's. It gives a good slow, AP, and health. Combine that with Liandry's, and everything is burning, and the damage from Liandry's is doubled. This one is natural preference, but I would build Rabadon's over DFG because it gives more damage overall than on just one person. That's about it.

From what I've heard, Lizard doesn't proc with her q's anymore, but I'll check it out in game. I completely forgot about rylai's existence so I got mallet instead xD
Took a year on and off but alas:

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I also apparently have updates.
Jax and Yasuo are in every fucking game and this is completely ruining my LoL experience because both of them are annoying as fuck. I can't even win a game because I keep getting thrown in with Yasuo instalockers that have no idea how to play him. Good bye, League of Legends fun games.
Jax and Yasuo are in every fucking game and this is completely ruining my LoL experience because both of them are annoying as fuck. I can't even win a game because I keep getting thrown in with Yasuo instalockers that have no idea how to play him. Good bye, League of Legends fun games.

No offense, but it is always like that when they first release champs. 1 of two things happen. Either give people a couple weeks to figure out how to play against him, and he will get shut down, or riot will use early release statistics and nerf him accordingly. I don't really see it as a reason to quit.

Eventually those instalockers will get tired of playing him, or will be good enough with him that you won't care.

There is a third option too.

Step 3: ???
Step 4. Profit

I have learned that the champs you absolutely hate to play against and are played often are the most fun champs and most meta champs to play. If you want to be competitive and win games, play those champs/learn to play those champs. Giving up is for people who can't adapt or pick up new skills.
Jax and Yasuo are in every fucking game and this is completely ruining my LoL experience because both of them are annoying as fuck. I can't even win a game because I keep getting thrown in with Yasuo instalockers that have no idea how to play him. Good bye, League of Legends fun games.
you have to give it time, yasuo is a new character who everyone and their mom wants to play. If you can learn how to play against him then you will be golden, or you can just not play for the next week and the pros and shit will master him and then you have no chance :p

I am extreamly excited for the snowdown and the showdown, I will probably end up getting winter lulu because poro and then I will probably avoid the showdown like the plague unless I can earn an icon by doing it.
Jax and Yasuo are in every fucking game and this is completely ruining my LoL experience because both of them are annoying as fuck. I can't even win a game because I keep getting thrown in with Yasuo instalockers that have no idea how to play him. Good bye, League of Legends fun games.
Lol. It's like this every champion release.

If you don't want instalockers play draft. If you don't want to face Yasuo, play draft and ban him / ask for him to get baned. Nobody knows how to play Yasuo very well right now too. Do you? Quit being salty.
Just in case anyone was ever curious as to how much the bonus Riot points obtained from higher increments of money spent saves you:

$5 = 650 RP + 0 Bonus = $0 saved. = 0% of actual cost saved
$10 = 1300 RP + 80 Bonus RP ~ $0.62 = 6.2%
$20 = 2600 RP + 200 Bonus RP ~ $1.54 = 7.7%
$35 = 4550 RP + 450 Bonus RP ~ $3.46 ~ 9.9%
$50 = 6500 RP + 700 Bonus RP ~ $5.38 = 10.76%
$100 = 13000 RP + 2000 Bonus RP ~ $15.38 = 15.38%

I was bored, and felt math-y, so...
Sorry, it just irritates me when people go super ragey due to a few lost games.
just ignore her, she is master troll, the master of baiting people :p (i'm looking at your classic days missy)

but she does have a point, yasuo is not the easiest of champs to learn so it isn't surprising people are sucking with him. But then again that is what bot games are for (or dominion or aram) keep summoner's rift clean from all these nubs :D

I have to play as him more to figure out whether I want to keep him or refund him, but he is a hard champ man.
just ignore her, she is master troll, the master of baiting people :p (i'm looking at your classic days missy)

but she does have a point, yasuo is not the easiest of champs to learn so it isn't surprising people are sucking with him. But then again that is what bot games are for (or dominion or aram) keep summoner's rift clean from all these nubs :D

I have to play as him more to figure out whether I want to keep him or refund him, but he is a hard champ man.
The only difficult part about him is that transitional mid game period between his early game ROFLSTOMP lane control, sustain(and the constant shield), and utter domination and the 100% crit lategame.
His mechanics are a bit odd, but with such low cooldowns a messup isn't going to be the end of the world.
The only difficult part about him is that transitional mid game period between his early game ROFLSTOMP lane control, sustain(and the constant shield), and utter domination and the 100% crit lategame.
His mechanics are a bit odd, but with such low cooldowns a messup isn't going to be the end of the world.
oh I know, just getting to the point where you understand how he plays is the fun part lol, some champs you can just pick up and learn but even then all champs require a lot of practice