League of Legends Thread

What's wrong with the champ? He looks pretty neat and will probably fall under the support role.

That's not it. Gnar was just released, and they're already releasing a new champ right off the bat. Not that I have a problem with it, but it seems rather sudden. And I think he might be suited for top or mid lane. He doesn't look..."supporty." What kind of Emperor supports another person?

EDIT: I'm going to see if he's available on PBE. He looks extremely fun to play.
That's not it. Gnar was just released, and they're already releasing a new champ right off the bat. Not that I have a problem with it, but it seems rather sudden. And I think he might be suited for top or mid lane. He doesn't look..."supporty." What kind of Emperor supports another person?

EDIT: I'm going to see if he's available on PBE. He looks extremely fun to play.
Yeah, on second thought. He doesn't seem to be too much of a support, but he might fit the role to some extent. He also appears to be pretty good at defending bases.
Yeah, on second thought. He doesn't seem to be too much of a support, but he might fit the role to some extent. He also appears to be pretty good at defending bases.

That ult looks so fun to use. It looks like a strong disengage. An Anivia wall that deals damage and knocks back people.
That's not it. Gnar was just released, and they're already releasing a new champ right off the bat. Not that I have a problem with it, but it seems rather sudden. And I think he might be suited for top or mid lane. He doesn't look..."supporty." What kind of Emperor supports another person?

EDIT: I'm going to see if he's available on PBE. He looks extremely fun to play.
Back in 2012 they used to release a champ every other week. You're probably just used to them barely releasing champions for the past 1 1/2 years; they slowed down so that the game isn't over-saturated with champions. If anything, he will probably be released in over 3-4 weeks, they won't be in a hurry.
Back in 2012 they used to release a champ every other week. You're probably just used to them barely releasing champions for the past 1 1/2 years; they slowed down so that the game isn't over-saturated with champions. If anything, he will probably be released in over 3-4 weeks, they won't be in a hurry.
Back in 2009, in alpha and beta, they would release several champions every few weeks. They would even release multiple champions at once.
I am sick and tired of quitters in ranked.

My last game our Miss fortune gave up the minute she died once. How are you supposed to carry with people like this? Magic? -_-

Why do people quit so easily in ranked? Do they try to blame everything on their teammates so their badness doesn't become obvious?