Let's get ConroD to PAX East 2013!!!

Sorry. Been sick, should have updated.

Conrod did not obtain his Passport in time, and other bullshit excuses. He will not be attending unless you can make some sort of awesome miracle happen.

I will send out refunds tonight or tomorrow, or give the money to you at PAX, you're choice.
Alternatively, shovel the funds into sending someone else over,
Like Gurw or some shit,

And then spend the rest on Bundy.

It's what Jesus would do.
If you're going to change who this is for, do it in a new thread, and anyone that wants to contribute to that person can. People coming into this thread and Suggesting/Begging are just going to be annoying.
Motorkat and News, would you rather someone else receive your funds to try and show up, or would you like a refund?
I am perfectly fine with using the funds I passed over for another person that would like to join the shenanigans at PAX East. However, I also agree with having a new thread made for whomever said person will be. I have no preference on who it will be aside from
they need to be single exotic male over 18, comfortable with having their pants worn as the bottom and passable for provocative pictures, full body shot for initial inspection before considerations will be made blah blah blah Disregard that previous statement, choose another who will enjoy this once in a lifetime trip :) (and maybe some bondage?) x3 lol jk
Honestly though, this should go to someone who otherwise wouldn't have been able to access the funds required for this kind of trip.