Let's get SOMEONE ELSE to PAX East 2013

If ANYONE ELSE would like to help, NOW IS THE TIME!

I planned to make ALL purchases ON Thursday March 7th. Which is basically his flight + hotel.

He has his tickets, and he should have his food costs.
Tshin probably wouldn't mind taking of of these the whole way:

Really though, a 36 hour train ride would be that bad, as long as he brings a book to read and doesn't just sit in his seat the whole time. =)
NOW IS THE TIME! If anyone is going to donate. I will be making ALL TRAVEL PURCHASES this THURSDAY MARCH 7th.
I'd appreciate more people give donations! A lot of people said they were going to give and they did not.

Iteniary has changed. He will Greyhound to Harrisburg, PA where I will pick him up, and he will ride with Myself, Evie, Bracabrad, and Angelina. Team9000 Roadtrip PARTY!

Greyhound: $190 round-trip + Hotel: $175.00 = $365.00 of which $124.37 has been raised. Leaving: $240.63

Considering how much it would have costed to get Conrod here, this is a cakewalk. Help ease the burden. $10, $20, every little helps.
I'll do the travel costs. $190.

I need help with the hotel. $175
I wanted to send some money, but when covering chiba and myself, I brought my bank account down to $100 for two weeks of driving.. I get paid on the 15th, but that's too late, isn't it?
Does your bank accept e-mail transfers? If so, I can cover the remaining costs when I wake up Thursday morning (I've transferred my weekly maximum amount, and that resets on Thursday at midnight).