Looking for a good xbox 360 game

Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo CEA, The Orange Box, Assassins Creed 1,2,2.5(Brotherhood),2.9(Revelations), Final Fantasy XIII, Portal 1/2, Black Ops, Elder Scrolls Series, Etc.
Shadowrun. When i used to play xbox there was a small community that still played the game and it was a bunch of fun. thers a free demo on xbl give it a shot. The only thing is, idk if people still play it. I hope they do... it was alot of fun... O and it was cross platform too so i could play with u if u get it
Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo CEA, The Orange Box, Assassins Creed 1,2,2.5(Brotherhood),2.9(Revelations), Final Fantasy XIII, Portal 1/2, Black Ops, Elder Scrolls Series, Etc.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Totally different from COD.
As well as any Fallout game. These pretty much represent my most played of all time list of games...
Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo CEA, The Orange Box, Assassins Creed 1,2,2.5(Brotherhood),2.9(Revelations), Final Fantasy XIII, Portal 1/2, Black Ops, Elder Scrolls Series, Etc.
I agree get halo 3 or halo reach halo 3 was awesome and reach, well it was OK mostly get reach because more play it I think then halo 3