Looking for a good xbox 360 game

Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo CEA, The Orange Box, Assassins Creed 1,2,2.5(Brotherhood),2.9(Revelations), Final Fantasy XIII, Portal 1/2, Black Ops, Elder Scrolls Series, Etc.

Edit: Forgot fallout, Mass effect series and the battlefield series.
Would you ever defend Black Ops?

I'm no fanboy, if that's what you're asking. There are elements of the game that are good. The voice acting in particular was enjoyable. BLOPS seemed to try too hard to be CoD :MW only in the Cold War Era, and since I had played MW2, that was a bit annoying that I paid $60 for almost the same game, but different weapons, skins and maps. It might as well have been an expansion. Hopefully the franchise gets a break after MW3.
I'm no fanboy, if that's what you're asking. There are elements of the game that are good. The voice acting in particular was enjoyable. BLOPS seemed to try too hard to be CoD :MW only in the Cold War Era, and since I had played MW2, that was a bit annoying that I paid $60 for almost the same game, but different weapons, skins and maps. It might as well have been an expansion. Hopefully the franchise gets a break after MW3.
I only liked blops because it had a good campaign, thats about it. Well i liked the campaign, not sure if others consider it good.