Mechwarrior Online


Well-Known Member
Fans of giant robots, attention!

Mechwarrior:Online is a mech simulator currently in development by Piranha Games.

Fan Trailer:

The game is set in 3049 in the BattleTech universe, based around futuristic warfare. Gameplay features giant BattleMechs ranging from 20-100 tons, armed with lasers, ballistic cannons, missiles, Gauss rifles, PPC's (lightning guns) and many supporting electronics. You are placed first-person into a walking tank, and you can customize your 'Mech to many situations. Tactics are necessary to succeed, this is a thinking shooter.

Website (You need to sign up here)

Download here

Youtube channel

It is recommended you download TeamSpeak 3 and head into some unofficial TeamSpeak servers.

I hope to see some of you on the battlefield!​
That looks pretty awesome. I will have to pass on this information to people I know that enjoy FPS.

There were single players like this right? Without the first person shoot aspect? I use to watch my brother play something that was one player. But it had more mechs in the battle.
That looks pretty awesome. I will have to pass on this information to people I know that enjoy FPS.

There were single players like this right? Without the first person shoot aspect? I use to watch my brother play something that was one player. But it had more mechs in the battle.

Mechwarrior had a series of games (MW1-4) going between 1990 and 2001. Mechwarrior Online is "Forced First Person," Meaning you're always viewing from the cockpit (Unless you die or get knocked over.) In past Mechwarrior games, you could switch freely between first and third person.
Don't forget the originator

BattleTech by Fasa in 1988 and the sequel BattleTech The Cresent Hawks Inception :D
I almost forgot I randomly got closed beta access, downloading now.

Coincidentially, I was just wandering back here to state that with Piranha Games trying to make this as public as possible, they're handing out invites to beta to non-founders as well. From what I hear, though, you may have to wait a while.

Head to the website and sign up if you still have yet to, your forum username will be your in-game username.

Also, I'm currently trying to find a good video recorder so I can get a gameplay vid running.
Coincidentially, I was just wandering back here to state that with Piranha Games trying to make this as public as possible, they're handing out invites to beta to non-founders as well. From what I hear, though, you may have to wait a while.

Head to the website and sign up if you still have yet to, your forum username will be your in-game username.

Also, I'm currently trying to find a good video recorder so I can get a gameplay vid running., I got it sometime last month due to an error, they sent me an email that goes to beta access people, they felt bad so they gave me beta access. Nothing to do with that, I'm not having to wait for anything >.>
Post your IGNs here after you've managed to get into the beta. We can send friend requests in-game and form teams so we're not just matching up with strangers. This is done through the "SOCIAL" button in the bottom right of the main menu. (I'm only saying that because the social button before the most recent patch was nearly impossible to see. Glad they fixed that.)

THREAD REVIVAL...that's right, I'm a necromechromancer. I didn't update this thread when it went into open beta at the end of October, although about a month before that they were inviting everyone who signed up into closed beta anyway.

OP has been updated with a new video, and links to TeamSpeak information. (I recommend using TS3, if you play solo you'll have a bad time.) If this gets a decent following, T9kers could just skip TS3 and use Mumble.

The game has drastically improved, and it is a lot more balanced than it has been before. Note, like a lot of F2P games, there is a lot of grinding. The "Cadet Bonus" from your first 25 matches will let you buy a 'Mech or two, to have a nice start. Otherwise you'll have to use trial 'Mechs, which can't be customized.

If you need help, advice, or anyone to drop with, I'd be happy to assist.

To keep this interesting, a friend of mine uploaded a couple of vids featuring some games and silly loadouts, check them out:
aalright Zen, I've been practicing my controls and movement for this game, we should totally play at some point before any scheduled game nights for this (I'd feel uncomfortable hosting or co-hosting a Game Night for a game I wasn't too good at playing :S )

EDT: you can find me as "T9k MotorKat"
Be glad to help. Anytime at all that you need assistance, message me over Steam. Self-proclaimed 'Mech guru at your service.

That applies for anyone else wanting to get into this.
For all your Mumbley MWO voice needs: #mechwarrioronline

Also, those of you that play can add me at "Patchouli Knowledge"

Yes, I did manage to register early enough to get the full name.
For all your Mumbley MWO voice needs: #mechwarrioronline

Also, those of you that play can add me at "Patchouli Knowledge"

Yes, I did manage to register early enough to get the full name.
Heh. I had a #mwo channel open, but #mechwarrioronline would be better. I'd rather not confuse people who think that "MW" stands for a different series that is less deserving for those initials. I've had that happen before. >_>
Heh. I had a #mwo channel open, but #mechwarrioronline would be better. I'd rather not confuse people who think that "MW" stands for a different series that is less deserving or those initials. I've had that happen before. >_>
Yeah, I was going to attempt to make #MWO, but then changed my mind because I thought a simple acronym might confuse people.

Didn't even think of attempting to join it >.>
In response to some confusion at gamenight, I present:

Zen's BattleMech guide

Having trouble picking a 'Mech to use? Don't know how to spend those 8 million C-Bills? Here, have a guide:

Mech weight categories:
[collapse=Light]Light 'Mechs

Light 'Mechs are swift, agile, and always a thrill to pilot. These 'Mechs carry little armor or firepower, but can deal heavy damage to enemy 'Mechs if piloted well. Lights are built for scouting and hit-and-run attacks. These are the most adaptable 'Mechs, as you can evade most enemies when situations look bleak, or chase down weakened foes who are making a break for it. ECM(Electronic Countermeasures) are found on most of these 'Mechs, which hide you from radar and make it easier to scout.

Advantages: Low cost, fast, and very hard to hit. Most are ECM capable.
Disadvantages: Low firepower, can die from a few well placed shots.

-Stick to hit-and-run. You work best with the element of surprise.
-Don't stand still. Ever.
-Stick with other scouts. A wolfpack of Jenners is scarier than an Atlas.
-Dodge in and out of cover. Don't run in straight lines.
-Scout. See where the opposition is and inform your teammates.

The light lineup:

Weight:25 Tons

"I don't need jump jets to be a scout. Watch me."

Commandos use a mix of energy and missile weapons, and are ECM capable. Compared to other lights, these attract little attention, but it cannot mount jumpjets, unlike any other light. A good choice for ninjas.

Weight:30 Tons

"You guys look so tiny down there! Bye!"

These guys are the most agile 'Mechs in the game with a blend of speed and jumpjets. Sure, other lights can match your speed, but you've got more jets than any of them. Be clever, though. You have the least firepower out of any 'Mech. A good choice for those who would rather cap and run than fight.

Weight: 35 Tons

"Stealth? Pfft. I don't hide, I kill."

In the days of Closed Beta, these guys were considered the most overpowered 'Mech in the game. It's fast, and it brings more weapons than any other light, while still jumpjet capable. However, unlike any other light, it cannot use ECM. This 'Mech is the definition of a battlescout. Take it if you prefer power and speed without the need for stealth.

Weight: 35 Tons

"Your tears are delicious."

The Raven. Sleek and infamous. In times past it was deemed invincible due to broken hitboxes and lagshield. (Not anymore. Those things have been fixed.) The Raven was made for harassment, and can offer a little bit of everything when piloting a light. This is the one 'Mech that has all 3 weapon types, jump jets, and ECM. (Not all at once, though.) With a blend of ECM and missiles, the Raven is commonly considered the best counter to other light 'Mechs. A 'Mech for the pilot who likes to harass.
Medium 'Mechs

Mediums have always been the workhorses. They're not as swift as light 'Mechs, but carry much more armor and firepower. These 'Mechs works the best with team support. Mediums benefit most from teamwork. Keep light mechs away from the big guys, and prey on enemies that are shooting at other targets. Mediums are the most versatile weight class.

Advantages:Versatile, balanced. Excellent for support.
Disadvantages:Vunerable when alone. Excels at no particular skill.

-Stay near an Assault 'Mech. They'll draw fire away from you.
-Skirmish. Don't stay in combat, but drop in and out and give short bursts of firepower.
-You're an excellent Light hunter. Keep the small 'Mechs off of your buddies.

The medium lineup:

Weight: 40 tons

"They told me I could never be a light 'Mech. I'll show them. I'll show them all."

This is a medium in denial. Being on the lower end of the weights classifying mediums, it functions more like a scout than a skirmisher. ECM capable, and with an emphasis on energy weapons. If you think lights are still a little short on firepower, grab a Cicada.

Weight: 50 tons

"I couldn't find anything I like, so I'll just do everything."

Centurions are possibly the most versatile 'Mechs you'll find. They can be fast or slow, snipers or brawlers, sturdy or swift. Each variant carries a good mix of weapons that are grouped together. No single advice here, just adjust it to what you want to use. If you like trying out different playstyles, take the Cent.

Weight: 50 tons

"Bro, do you even gun?"

Named for the appearance granted by the massive shoulder cannon, the Hunchback is made to be a brawler. It lacks the speed of the other mediums, but makes up for it in power. The Hunchback is an Atlas' best friend. Each variant has something different to offer, the 4G and 4H focus on concentrated firepower, the 4P is made to slay lights without needing missiles, and the 4J/4SP provide swift fire support in a brawl. If you're the short range brawler type, Hunchbacks are a fun ride.

Weight: 50 tons

"Those other 50 tonners are too slow."

Pronounced "Treh-boo-shay," but feel free to call it a trench bucket. The fastest of the 50 ton mediums, and the only medium that has jump jets. Another one focusing on energy and missiles, this 'Mech works best at long ranges as a sniper or as missile support. If you're still wanting an agile 'Mech, but don't want to be a scout, pick the Treb.

(Heavies and Assaults in the next post)
(Continued from above post)
Heavy 'Mechs

The backbone of any team. These 'Mechs carry a respectable amount of firepower, armor, and speed. They serve best as brawlers or snipers. They can fight well at any range against enemy teams. Stay with the main group, and rip your targets to shreds.

Advantages:No particular weaknesses, can mount most weapons well. Study and strong.
Disadvantages:Easy to hit. Gets stuck in combat.

-Mount similar weapons to fit your role. Don't try to snipe with a single PPC if you can have 2.
-Have a few backup weapons, just in case you're out of your usual element.
-Stay with the group. 1 Heavy is respectable. 1 Heavy with 4 allies is terrifying.
-Play defensively, and only advance when your Assault 'Mechs are pushing.

The heavy lineup:

Weight: 60 tons

"I feel a little out of place."

Like any 'Mech at the low end of its weight class, the Dragon plays as a mix of two playstyles. Dragons are a little hard to work with, but they're fast and still carry respectable power. Play it like a medium, restrict your attacks to swift skirmishes, not all-out brawls. Gladly, there's one thing you can do better than other Heavies, and that is speed. It takes skill to tame a Dragon, pick one if you want a fun, challenging ride.

Weight: 65 tons


The Catapult is responsible for the most hate that has ever been created from this game. Every single patch where some weapon was more powerful, the Catapult would always be the first to discover it. This 'Mech has jumpjets, and can use ballistic, energy, and missile weapons all to good measure. It boasts an amazing profile and torso twist, making it efficient in combat. Powerful, easy to learn, with many options available to it, this is a great 'Mech for anyone to try.

Weight: 65 tons


The 'Mech made for ballistics. Known for mounting more autocannons than anyone else, the JagerMech can either snipe with AC/2's or Gauss Rifles, or brawl with 2 AC/20's. Gunning is all there is to it. A 'Mech for anyone who believes "There can always be moar dakka."

Weight: 70 tons

"Use more gun."

The Cataphract is a sturdy, powerful 'Mech. While the JagerMech focuses on ballistics, and the Awesome focuses on energy, the Cataphract is a strong balance between them. Each variant has a long list of possible builds utilizing any kind of cannon or laser. One of its variants, the 3D, is considered to be one of the best 'Mechs in the game with its versatility and use of jump jets. If you want direct fire to be your thing, get in a 'Phract.

Assault 'Mechs

Kings of the battlefield. They carry the most firepower and armor, and lead the charge. These bullet sponges will draw firepower away from weaker allies, and are capable of crippling, if not outright destroying, their opposition. Assault 'Mechs are the most powerful soldiers on the battlefield, and even their mere presence can scare most enemies away.

Advantages:Most armor and firepower out of any 'Mech. Intimidating even when alone.
Disadvantages:Slow, draws attention. Reduced torso twist capabilities. Very expensive.

-You're the front line. For the sake of your team, DON'T hide in the back.
-Aim well. You'll have trouble against Lights who can stay behind you.
-Spread damage across your 'Mech. When not firing, turn to the side to shield your torso.
-You can still use cover. Don't stand out in the open.
-Don't chase enemies. Everyone can outmaneuver you, and following them will lead you into the open.

The assault lineup:

Weight: 80 tons

"I feel pretty awesome right about now."

My personal favorite. The Awesome is the lightest assault 'Mech, but it's not meant for tanking like its bigger brethren. Awesomes are excellent at providing fire support from medium to longer ranges, as they can carry a heavy load of energy weapons supported by missiles. However, its wide profile make it easy to hit, so avoid close range encounters when possible. As well, heat management is necessary to prevent shutdown in the middle of a battle. A 'Mech for those who want firepower without needing to rely on ammo.

Weight: 85 tons


The Catapult's big brother. Every Stalker comes armed to the teeth with energy and missile weapons, possessing more raw firepower than any other 'Mech. A Stalker can kill just by sneezing. It tends to tank damage very well, as its profile makes it hard to hit its center torso, paired with the fact that NO ONE wants to stand directly in front of it. Note its weakness is in mobility, its torso turn is pathetic and its speed leaves plenty to be desired. A 'Mech for the destructive individual.

Weight: 90 tons

"There can will be only one."

The only Assault 'Mech with jump jets. This 'Mech defines the playstyle of the "Poptart," the infamous strategy involving jumping up from behind a hill, firing all of your sniper weapons at once, and dropping back behind cover. Highlanders carry powerful mixed weapon sets focusing on long range firepower. With a mix of armor and great ability to abuse cover, Highlanders dish out high damage and survive for long battles. Be careful, though. You'll have a lot of trouble against sneaky scouts. Take a Highlander if you like taking quick sniper shots.

Weight: 100 tons


Tank, tank, tank. The Atlas is terrifying in design, firepower, and armor, and is the vanguard 'Mech on any team. They soak up more fire than anyone else, and always carry a variety of weapons. An Atlas alone may die quickly, but one with an entire team backing it up will be bound to do some serious damage. The 'Mech built for a leader, or anyone who wants to wreak havoc.

I'll return to improve on this soon. But for now, here's a little help finding your 'Mech.