MikeyMagic-Wait Who?


Well-Known Member
I really should have made one of these earlier. However without further ado, Ohhaider!

Ima make this more fun though

-you ask me questions and I shall answer them-

Ask anything!

Anything at all.

Ask everything.

P.S I am really, really bored.
I got my name from pretty much every single person calling me MikeyMagic , I used to be popular before team9000.

Also on girls that I've been with will know why I'm truly magic ;)

And shush moondoggy, I'm mixing things up a little :)

I guess I would have to live inside a desperate/drunk/passing out, attractive, girl; the tastiest fruit.


1. Minecraft Classic: First server I ever went on, and by far the best. Still my home. over 400 hours spent :]

2. let me sum this up with:
Meaning of life is to pimp bitches, smoke weed everyday, and to be an all round ruthless mofo, WHILE STILL BEING THE GEEKIEST HERMIT EVOAR?

Well that's the meaning of mine anyway ;)

Probably any build by 'Unknown', most annoying person on classic imo


I would never hit a girlfriend of mine!
I fucking demolish randoms though >_>


FUCKYES! /promote Shadowwolf5552 Guest <3
Meaning of life is to pimp bitches, smoke weed everyday, and to be an all round ruthless mofo, WHILE STILL BEING THE GEEKIEST HERMIT EVOAR?

Well that's the meaning of mine anyway

Do you know me?
Ah, you see you missed it.

When asked as a yes or no question...

Yes implies you had been hitting your girlfriend.
No means you are still hitting your girlfriend.

I was trolling. :trollface:

But seriously, who are you? :trollface::trollface:
The trolling has entered another dimension! (Its' compass and clock are stuffing up.)
