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Minecraft Guest Promotions

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I know it will probably get torn down because it's in guest anyway, but i would like to take credit for this. it isn't finished. inspiration came from tetris (obviously) and shadow of the colossus

Im not on a computer that I can easily get a screen shot with, but if anyone goes to cool island, look down under water and slightly to the left of the spawn point and you should see my name (Serif) along the bottom of the water way with a bunch of glass surrounding it. It's my underwater getaway. Feel free to check it out. Has an entrance parlor, a main entertaining room, a kitchen with quiet the view, a few rooms to hang out in, 3 bedrooms, and an indoor pool.

but you'll just have to check it out yourself until I get to a computer where I can more easily post screen shots.
Just finished this in the public area, I'm new to both Minecraft and the server. Hope you like it.
ok... i dont wanna make a url link so anyways i made a tower and bridge of tnt in guest10 along with an underground lair beneath the tower some rooms are hidden. (the tower is all the way on the other side of the spawning point)
Hi, I'm new to Minecraft, but I'd like to become a yellow named person on your server. Here are some pics of what we did yesterday. Picture 1: Kurokitty66 and I built this airplane at guest10, we think it looks cute, and not meant to be realistic. We think it turned out good. Picture 2: Inside the airplane, theres a little control panel there. Picture 3: The livingroom of the house we built with Yesitstruu. Picture 4: There's our basement with a lava TV provided by Vicariousness I think it was. Picture 5: Behind the lava is a secret room, which has a disco like dance floor thingy and some knobs for the DJ. Picture 6: A bedroom, and a bathroom connected to it, with a shower with a water elevator, kinda like an easter egg you'd find in a game. Picture 7: Another bedroom with a bath there, just for effect.

Credit to g00gly0eyes Kurokitty66 and yesitstruu


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An Excitebike!

I don't know how to set up WoM client, so this took longer than it should've...34 minutes.


Some interlocking cubes, in current guest - inspired by some seen in guest 9 or 10... helped by 1TD





"9-O'clock barhop to bodyflip no hander" an excitebike strip - in cool2. Better seen in person :) Have since filled in between the letters in the writing


Quicky zelda (cool2).. colours a bit questionable, but there ya go

Once again thanks to woot, can make bigger and more complex stuff fairly safely thanks to the cool rank
Here's some work in progress shots of an art tower, the final one being the final work. Hoping that posting here will help gain me builder status - I'm mvelic on the servers.

Work in Progress 1:

Work in Progress 2:

Final Glass Encased Tower:
kinda got inspiration from feel good inc tower, (might make that next.) found a good spot and built utilizing minecrafts awesome colors, i first tried a kinda candy cane type syle but that got too long so i just did lines after that, here it is

added window

from bottom


looking down stairs
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