Motivating Yourself


Active Member
ITT share your tips and techniques for motivating yourself...
What works for you, what doesn't?


(I was going to write more here but couldn't be bothered!)
But in all seriousness:

It is very difficult for other people to motivate me. I get to something when I feel the time is right, which is never on schedule with anyone else. As far as how I motivate myself...that's another difficult task. Typically I will work on something until it is completed or I have figured it out and then I lose interest and look for something else. My wife is still understanding this about me and has learned to assign me one task at a time, rather than giving me several tasks at once. Most people call me a stubborn mule because of my ethic.
I'm extremely unmotivated with everything in my life currently :D But if i can, i barely get motivated by... listing the pros and cons of what I'm doing and then seeing if the final outcome is really worth it, and if it is, I do all in my power to complete that.
i don't decide when i'm motivated for something, but it happens sometimes
and i become even less motivated when other people tell me to do something, i just get annoyed
So here is a large chunk of a blog post i made around 7 months ago, which is somewhat relevant to motivation. I try to follow the second ideology to regardless of my current circumstances:

No matter what life throws at you, the cards you are dealt, nothing is out of reach if it is a true passion and you set your sights on it.


"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

-- Muhammad Ali

Never listen to anyone that puts you down, makes fun of you, or tells you that you can't do it.

"Everybody, one day will die, and be forgotten. Act an behave in a way that will make life interesting and fun, fuck a mundane and predictable life, working Monday to Friday with something you derive no pleasure from; just living life out till you grow old and wither away. Find a passion, form relationships, don't be afraid to get out there and fuck what everyone else thinks, trust me it's a lot more fun that way.

Don't ever pay people out or put people down. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing. I'd rather be a person that's hated on, than a person that does the hating."

-- Az Sergeyevich.

So yeah, bit of a long snippet but Az Sergeyevich literally changed my life and my whole outlook towards it, hope you can put it to good use :).
knowing that everyday i live a small fraction of my dreams. all i have to do is wake up an live another small fraction. when i die i will have lived it all. -Me-
That's how i live.
So here is a large chunk of a blog post i made around 7 months ago, which is somewhat relevant to motivation. I try to follow the second ideology to regardless of my current circumstances:

No matter what life throws at you, the cards you are dealt, nothing is out of reach if it is a true passion and you set your sights on it.


"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

-- Muhammad Ali

Never listen to anyone that puts you down, makes fun of you, or tells you that you can't do it.

"Everybody, one day will die, and be forgotten. Act an behave in a way that will make life interesting and fun, fuck a mundane and predictable life, working Monday to Friday with something you derive no pleasure from; just living life out till you grow old and wither away. Find a passion, form relationships, don't be afraid to get out there and fuck what everyone else thinks, trust me it's a lot more fun that way.

Don't ever pay people out or put people down. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing. I'd rather be a person that's hated on, than a person that does the hating."

-- Az Sergeyevich.

So yeah, bit of a long snippet but Az Sergeyevich literally changed my life and my whole outlook towards it, hope you can put it to good use :).
This. :3
Adopt a competitive personality and view every task as a challenge by someone who can do it better, real or imagined. Then beat them.
Adopt a competitive personality and view every task as a challenge by someone who can do it better, real or imagined. Then beat them.

Suddenly we are all
Maito Gai

Rock Lee
I live on impulse, if something comes into my mind i do it. whether it be drawings, music, writing, building, etc...i always follow my first thought. i Almost NEVER second guess myself. Why? Because if you second guess yourself, you soon start thinkin of thet bad outcomes of your action(s) and end up, 9 times out of 10 not doin that action(s), even if there were no bad outcomes. -My Philosophy :3
Your significant other should motivate you.

My last boyfriend purposely demotivated me from doing anything with my life. He discouraged me from going to college, going out and doing new things, seeing a therapist, anything that would make my life better. When I thought about going to Job Corps, he told me I was too sensitive and weak to hack it there. He purposely hindered me multiple times because he was afraid that if I made anything of myself, that I'd decide he wasn't good enough and leave him. He also didn't want me being near other men.
So in some cases, one significant other is hindrance and not a help.