My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

It's the awkwardness of the furry fandom, mixed with the obnoxious presence all over the internet, typical of the 4chan and ragecomics memes. All propagated by teenagers or trolls. Teenagers as the most predominant force as they supply the creepy material to the trolls.

I've got nothing against bronies, but I do have to agree with the teenager part.

Am I the only one who at toy stores always looks for ponies, but is afraid of buying them? Almost all toy stores have them.
Tch, I bought em, I don't care! I was browsing with my hand on my mouth thinking, when a woman had passed by, staring at me.
Hawk if your gonna troll this thread and post pony pictures that make you look like an utter ass, either leave or become on with the pony.