
I write all the time, but I've considered doing it. It's just, the minute November 1st rolls around, I'm so hungover from all the Halloween candy that I forget that I'm supposed to start a novel.
I really, really miss that guy. I understand this post is off-topic, but I just felt the urge to say that I miss Pl4t0's spectacular writing that made Vorsprung seem like babybacon.
He left with GiftedNarwhals. You might be able to get him on steam or something.
I have never participated in this....although, I may participate in it this year. just to push myself to stretch the limits of my creativity.

also, I kinda miss narwhals now...I R Sad Serpent.
1 month to write a full novel? Challenge Accepted.

*Edit* Interesting fact from googling "NaNoWriMo Singapore"
We're Singapore. We're not in Malaysia or China. Yes, you know us, the smallest region in South East Asia with the largest number of Nanowrimo-ers per square feet for our country.
I think I might actually do it this year. I've been meaning to write a novel ANYWAY. I can write it out. And then later after November is over, I'll revise it. And maybe, maybe one day, I'll publish it.
Do you even know how to read?
It was an insult, to be fair, but I'll let it pass; if I allow myself some syntaxical liberty in saying that I'm the best at the speakings, then he would be my equal.

We can both do them speakings real good.