Need some help

I've had an ASUS G74Sx for years and I've never had problems with it.

Just remember to clean back exhausts once in a while.

ASUS makes nice laptops, durable as hell.
And just so I'm taking precautions, what procedures/objects do you use to clean the back exhausts?
Any tips or suggestions?
The fans are really easy to clean off, just use compressed air (never hold the can upside down unless you want a nasty taste in your mouth for a few days). If you really want to clean them, there is a large panel on the bottom of the laptop that requires you to take off one screw. Take that off and remove the panel to get better access to the fans and the little filters on them. It is simple really.
The screw can literally be taken off with a quarter. So if your hard drive decides to stop working or you want an SSD, it's pretty easy to swap stuff out.
Thanks for the help guys!


:D :D :D
I would say that people often ask me why I have a girl's name, but I'm guessing you have seen the other end of that one. I actually don't know any girls named Erin, so it isn't that common :)
Well my name sounds just like Aaron so when I go to like, Starbucks, they either put Karen or Aaron on it. XD Aaron is apparently the boy version of my name but I've met a guy named Erin. And then there's Arin.

Also I think my parents told me my name would have been Ashley if I was a dude so I kinda lucked out there.




It arrived! You weren't kidding when you said this was a huge laptop. My laptop could fit snugly on top of it with breathing room. XD
Also if you are at a LAN party the person siting across from you can use your rear vents to keep food hot. Trust me, I do this all the time ;)
That's actually... a really creative idea. XD

I came up with it after my MacBook overheated when I was doing LAN with a few friends. I discovered that those Asus Laptops pump out a MASIVE amount of heat when gaming. I figured I might as well use that heat to keep pizza hot.
I do have a question. Two, actually:
I'm trying to use my headphones, and plugged them into the headphone jack, but sound still plays out of the speakers. When I go to the sound window and attempt to change the "Default Device" to the headphones, nothing shows up for the headphones for me to switch to. Like there isn't an option for headphones at all.

What do I do to fix this? I read something about drivers but I don't know the first thing about what to do.

Second question, my new computer had Windows 8 pre-installed on it. When I went to go activate Windows, this is what I got:

... What does this mean? Do I have to buy a new activation key? :(
Second question, my new computer had Windows 8 pre-installed on it. When I went to go activate Windows, this is what I got:

... What does this mean? Do I have to buy a new activation key? :(

First try using the key on your computers COA. It is this is usually located on the bottom of the laptop or inside the battery compartment (You might need to remove the battery). If that key does not work then contact ASUS support and tell them that you can't activate windows using their key.

BTW: This is one of the many reasons I do not recommend Windows (It is ONLY good for Games from AAA Publishers). UNIX-like systems are way better. The good news is that you will learn this first hand. :poop: :rofl: