New Computer

That's quite risky there, boyo.

Without anti-virus, you're running a serious risk of having everything you know and love stolen by an obese Ukranian dude who's gonna use your name to buy condoms. Juss' sayin'.

There's plenty of good, free antivirus around - I would recommend, however, steering clear of AVG. Although it does a good job, it interferes with Steam. Valve says explicitly to deinstall AVG if you want to use Steam.
Im not obese, but I do go through alot of condoms...
i'd say avast is best ;D
had my system for 2 years never did a scan, did a scan before reinstalling windows 0 viruses found x3
I fail at Number 2: 'As slaves'. Wut? How?

Hook them up to your other PC as slaves meaning 1 of 2:

1.) IF IDE put the jumper on cable select or slave, if in cable select make sure to put it on the slave part of the ribbon, which is usually the top most i believe.

2.) IF SATA just put it in an empty port and make sure your pc doesn't boot from that one.
Hook them up to your other PC as slaves meaning 1 of 2:

1.) IF IDE put the jumper on cable select or slave, if in cable select make sure to put it on the slave part of the ribbon, which is usually the top most i believe.

2.) IF SATA just put it in an empty port and make sure your pc doesn't boot from that one.
I fail at IDE, sorry. :P
Or you can just do it the way it's supposed to be done and not download crap off the internet, clean up your shit, make sure you go on the right sites, and make backups, I've only have a few viruses. Antivirus programs make you to reliant on them.
I'm not trying to start an argument here... But even with havin' a clean slate, malware is still a big issue.
Why run the risk? All you need is one or two programs.
I've had to have my laptop rebuilt a few times due to viruses... I always keep my nose clean. When I download a program off the Internet, I don't click 'Run', I click 'Save', and then scan it with a anti-malware program.

It doesn't matter where you go to. Viruses are everywhere, and they are a big issue.
eIDE will be a ribbon cable. SATA will be a normal looking wire. The jumper pins will be on the same edge as the connector and instructions for the jumper pins will be on the side.
I'm not trying to start an argument here... But even with havin' a clean slate, malware is still a big issue.
Why run the risk? All you need is one or two programs.
I've had to have my laptop rebuilt a few times due to viruses... I always keep my nose clean. When I download a program off the Internet, I don't click 'Run', I click 'Save', and then scan it with a anti-malware program.
It doesn't matter where you go to. Viruses are everywhere, and they are a big issue.
I'm never going to use it, you can't convince me, lol, I don't know why but I just prefer not to have it.
Zovator, When you start watching porn, I think you "might" need a antivirus.
Lets get back on track