New Xbox in 2013?


Well-Known Member
There are rumors of leaked info about MS unveiling a new console at E3 in 2013. Initial rumors were e3 2012, but apparently middleware companies and chip manufactureres have orders for sometime in 2013 lined up. This info is purely speculation, since MS has not commented on any of these rumors.

I was expecting to see a console reveal from MS and/or Sony at E3 in 2012, since Nintendo announced its new console and it may finally be able to produce games at similar or better quality than MS or Sony's consoles could do now. 2013 seems like a reasonable time for a new console. The 360 is getting close to 10 now, which is very old for a console.
I'm rather surprised console-releasing companies don't improve their products faster. Maybe if they actually developed better hardware and controller technology at a faster rate it would have completely taken over the PC market.
I'm rather surprised console-releasing companies don't improve their products faster. Maybe if they actually developed better hardware and controller technology at a faster rate it would have completely taken over the PC market.

both sony and ms have stated that consoles generally have a 10 year cycle

They stated THESE consoles are on a 10yr cycle. Previously, new consoles were being released about every 5yrs or so. This is the first console generation to exceed that time frame. It helped that when the 360 and PS3 were released, they were near top-of-the-line hardware which contributed to their longevity. Not to mention the release of new peripherals and updates to each console's online service (Xbox Live and PS Home) which also have given a boost to the console's life.

As far as developing consoles faster, that would be counter-intuitive. When new consoles are released, the manufacturers are actually losing money on the console itself. Their first net profits come from the games and other items sold in conjunction with the console. By this point, I believe the cost to make a console (both Sony's PS3 and MS 360) is just about equal to the price they sell the console for. If they were to make newer consoles sooner, they'd be losing money time and time again, and they wouldn't really get the maximum longevity and profit out of their systems. Besides, I don't think many consumers would be willing to purchase a new console every 3 or 4yrs, nor would developers be happy to have to learn the new console's program over and over again to produce new games.

IMO, MS and Sony did well this generation, in the end. Hopefully they both learned from their mistakes in the beginning of their console's lives and will release their new consoles with better price points, more incentives to buy, and systems that don't have a tendency to crash.
I'm rather surprised console-releasing companies don't improve their products faster. Maybe if they actually developed better hardware and controller technology at a faster rate it would have completely taken over the PC market.
People buy consoles for the convinience of a plug-and-play environment, not for updating and improving somewhat frequently. We have PCs for that.

When you state "improve" do you mean by graphically or how the games are being played? It certainly seems like consoles have improved in terms of how they are played. The Wii has the MotionPlus, the PS3 has the Move, Kinect, etc.

If you mean by graphically, then that would involve actually changing what's inside the consoles. If Microsoft decided to change the graphics card inside the 360 until the next Microsoft console came out, this simple change alone would cose hundreds of millions of dollars. Furthermore, they would also have to worry about the possible effects of backwards compability, graphics functinality with certain games, and basic hardware compatibilities. This means Microsoft would have to make sure that, not only would the graphics of the game improve, but the cooling system, the power source, and pretty much every other piece in the 360 would have to cooperate with the new graphics card.

And what if the parts don't cooperate? Would they have to replace all the parts? This reaches the point where these designs would be very counter-intuitive. Microsoft might as well label it the Xbox 720.

This update would be very costly in terms of not only money but would also effect third-party game developers' whole way of designing the game. There would be a whole new set of standards of making the game, and this is also costly. There is a solid reason for the fact that, in generations of console video gaming, why the card inside never gets replaced. This is simply due to the costs.

If it's an updated Xbox you want, PC is the way to go.

EDIT: Moondoggy has a good explaination as well.
Long posts are ftw.
I doubt there will be a new Xbox in 2013, I think it will be at least after 2015 until a new console will be released. Not that I'd care since I don't play Xbox :P
I disagree. The Kinect has performed less-than-expected for MS, and the console itself is old. Graphically, games are showing their age, and MS has been working on developing new ways to store data onto discs. I would be inclined to think that the new console will be coming out around 2013, and that it may have a new way to read discs that hold more data (more data = longer games, better graphics, more programming into the game for better AI, physics engines, etc.), and also be able to integrate with your home network better, as well as provide better home entertainment all around. The console itself is becoming more a fixture of someone's home entertainment center, and less a video-game only system.
Well 10 years seems like a good life for a console in comparison with Apple's yearly upgrades that want you to continually splurge on the latest gadget @_o
I have a feeling that microsoft is trying to wait as long as possible, so that they don't have to put an optical drive into their new unit. It would cost them an arm and a leg to license Blu-Ray from sony, so I can see them trying to pioneer into the "downloads-only" console market.

It would be tricky to pull off though. Not everyone has high speed internet... yet.
Alright its time for.... THINGS WRONG WITH THE XBOX 360!
1. Red ring of death
2. Perfect circle scratch
3. Paying for online play
4. It was made in china by 4 year olds
And that's all for today's episode of.... THINGS WRONG WITH THE XBOX 360!
Honestly, RROD was fixed, and the reason we pay for XBL is because you get what you pay for, so if you don't pay for online, there woould be no management or anything.
Alright its time for.... THINGS WRONG WITH THE XBOX 360!
1. Red ring of death
2. Perfect circle scratch
3. Paying for online play
4. It was made in china by 4 year olds
And that's all for today's episode of.... THINGS WRONG WITH THE XBOX 360!

Don't turn this into a flame war. Sorry you had so many bad experience with the 360, but at least all of my personal financial information has yet to be compromised. I'll gladly pay $60/yr for the protection. My 360 has yet to RRoD on me.
Don't turn this into a flame war. Sorry you had so many bad experience with the 360, but at least all of my personal financial information has yet to be compromised. I'll gladly pay $60/yr for the protection. My 360 has yet to RRoD on me.
RRoD was fixed in the black ones (elites)
Nooooooooes I want to get a Xbox at 2012, or this X-Mas, I don't want to have an outdated console after just 1 year again again (damn you Nintendo for DSs)
You'd be better off waiting until the new console came out at this point. I've been tempted to upgrade my 360 to the new black one, but I can't justify paying $250 for a new console when I'll probably want the next gen console in 2-3 years.
You'd be better off waiting until the new console came out at this point. I've been tempted to upgrade my 360 to the new black one, but I can't justify paying $250 for a new console when I'll probably want the next gen console in 2-3 years.
Just wanted to get one because I cant satisfy myself anymore with the Nintendo kids games they are producing all the time now and always wanted to play Halo 1 and Halo 4 comes out next year. I don't know if these games will work on the next console, since the old Xbox games didnt work on the 360, maybe itll be like this again. : /