New Xbox in 2013?

Most Xbox games you can get on a PC, and you can do whatever else you want on a PC, I think consoles are pretty pointless.
Not always, at least you can be sure that console games will always work, no matter what, you dont have to update the graphics and so on with new parts with time, the only thing that will happen is that a new console comes out after, well I guess around 5 to 10 years.
They're not pointless. It's the casual mainstream consumer market. The ones that dont care about PC hardware upgrades.
Did you not see the "I think"? you always think what I say applies to everybody, I'm allowed to have my opinion.
Not always, at least you can be sure that console games will always work, no matter what, you dont have to update the graphics and so on with new parts with time, the only thing that will happen is that a new console comes out after, well I guess around 5 to 10 years.
I guess that is a point, but consoles are pretty much just dumbed down computers, but one thing they are good for is multiplayer gaming, PCs don't really have a way to stay connected in different games.
Did you not see the "I think"? you always think what I say applies to everybody, I'm allowed to have my opinion.
I guess that is a point, but consoles are pretty much just dumbed down computers, but one thing they are good for is multiplayer gaming, PCs don't really have a way to stay connected in different games.
Indeed. Multiplayer gaming is something I like and hate at the same time for pc. Too many things can or are going wrong, it's the connection, the server itself, security, support or programming itself. Never had these problems while playing 360 (but had on Wii <.<)
Did you not see the "I think"? you always think what I say applies to everybody, I'm allowed to have my opinion.
I guess that is a point, but consoles are pretty much just dumbed down computers, but one thing they are good for is multiplayer gaming, PCs don't really have a way to stay connected in different games.
everything on this thread is mostly opinion, so just saying that it's your opinion doesn't stop me from disagreeing with you. I do agree that consoles are easier with multiplayer, but it's mostly because of the closed system with limits. Most of the time you can do multiplayer better on pc, thanks to modding and close to no kiddies with microphones. Closed systems have the advantage of simplicity
Red Ring of Death.

Console scratching the disks it's supposed to play, making them unplayable.

Yellow light of death.

The list goes on. Consoles are computers like the Windows or Mac machine you are no doubt using this very moment - they have the same parts, they are simply running a separate operating system. There is some comfort in knowing that the games have been developed for a single hardware specification that you don't have to worry about, but how much freedom and choice in how you play your game are you trading for that peace of mind?

If you want a concrete measure, here's one:



everything on this thread is mostly opinion, so just saying that it's your opinion doesn't stop me from disagreeing with you. I do agree that consoles are easier with multiplayer, but it's mostly because of the closed system with limits. Most of the time you can do multiplayer better on pc, thanks to modding and close to no kiddies with microphones. Closed systems have the advantage of simplicity
When I said they were pointless, it was pretty obvious I wasn't saying they shouldn't exist, which is how you took it, I was simply stating that there is no point to buy one. A PC can do everything a console can do, and more. You just have to have more knowledge of what you're doing, and have to make sure you have the proper security measures.
When I said they were pointless, it was pretty obvious I wasn't saying they shouldn't exist, which is how you took it, I was simply stating that there is no point to buy one. A PC can do everything a console can do, and more. You just have to have more knowledge of what you're doing, and have to make sure you have the proper security measures.
There is one thing a console can do that PCgames cannot do (easily, anyways): local multiple-player. The console is an evolving machine. It once was a substitute for people who couldn't afford PCs, but has since become more of an addition to someone's entertainment center. With the 360, I can watch movies, play music, watch tv,a browse through pictures, access certain social networks and play games. All of that I can do with a PC, but I can easily show and share with others online or in the same room. It's a convenience factor that PCs can't offer.
There is one thing a console can do that PCgames cannot do (easily, anyways): local multiple-player. The console is an evolving machine. It once was a substitute for people who couldn't afford PCs, but has since become more of an addition to someone's entertainment center. With the 360, I can watch movies, play music, watch tv,a browse through pictures, access certain social networks and play games. All of that I can do with a PC, but I can easily show and share with others online or in the same room. It's a convenience factor that PCs can't offer.
Good point, but it's still possible to play multiplayer over a network, and it's likely for families to have over 1 computer, but it's not as much of a convenience as consoles, consoles are built for things more like that I guess.
3 laptops on a home wireless network sounds pretty easy to me...a bit expensive maybe, but just as simple as console LAN.

But you do have a point when it comes to "sharing"the experience, a PC is built for only a single user while consoles can be shared amongst a large group.
Consoles are often times more stable since they only do one thing and the hardware is designed specifically for it. Also it is convenient to be able to control the entire console (to its capabilities) with the feel of a controller. Multiplayer is also more convenient. This is why I like the console for most games. Games like minecraft are easier to play with a qwerty keyboard I imagine. Will be interesting to see what they do with the xbox version.
The reason we haven't seen a new Xbox is because, well...they don't really need one.
My two cents.

Agreed - but for 2 points. They DID need it.

Being an owner of the original big xbox 360 and the new "kinect" model there was a significant improvement in hardware technology even if the "guts" were the same but in a miniaturized size. The old box is loud as hell when the fans get moving and suffered the RROD FAIL (heatsink was utter crap) . Second the kinect box has reduced power consumption and has a port directly for the kinect hardware without the need for another power supply brick. It also runs cooler even though it has a smaller design. This mid-cycle improvement definitely prolonged the life of the platform and to compete with the smaller ps3 box. Sony's reasoning for a smaller box had ulterior motives (remove the emotion chip for hw ps2 support to reduce costs).

However, I'm not a fan of the shiny piano black plastic - it shows fingerprints and dust like craaaaaaaazy.
Same haters going to hate because they cant pay for Xboxlive :p dont hate apriciate

If you hate xbox and saw xbox on the tittle dont click the freaking subject!:mad:
OH I have a perfect picture for this but its on my home computer! give me 3 hours!
Consoles are often times more stable since they only do one thing and the hardware is designed specifically for it. Also it is convenient to be able to control the entire console (to its capabilities) with the feel of a controller. Multiplayer is also more convenient. This is why I like the console for most games. Games like minecraft are easier to play with a qwerty keyboard I imagine. Will be interesting to see what they do with the xbox version.

i for one would absolutely love to see minecraft on a console controller
UPDATE: I just read this article and rumors are the Xbox "720" (codenamed "loop") will be smaller and lighter than the current 360. The console will be more focused on Kinect support (maybe even a built-in Kinect unit?) and have a unique processor set-up, with one "main" processor and other tertiary processors to be used for graphics, AI, physics, et. al. Futhermore, the console's software will be based off the as-of-yet announced Windows 9 OS. The whole she-bang is reportedly being custom-built by MS and two partners.

We may get a chance to see this new console at next year's E3, which would still put it in line for a potential 2013 release.
UPDATE: I just read this article and rumors are the Xbox "720" (codenamed "loop") will be smaller and lighter than the current 360. The console will be more focused on Kinect support (maybe even a built-in Kinect unit?) and have a unique processor set-up, with one "main" processor and other tertiary processors to be used for graphics, AI, physics, et. al. Futhermore, the console's software will be based off the as-of-yet announced Windows 9 OS. The whole she-bang is reportedly being custom-built by MS and two partners.

We may get a chance to see this new console at next year's E3, which would still put it in line for a potential 2013 release.
That would be perfect as the current xbox obviously is starting to reach a cap in performance.
But it sounds too fabricated. Windows 9 rumors even before windows 8 released? Integrated kinect would probably limit where people can place their xboxes so it's a bit silly from a practical viewpoint, unles you can mount the whole thing on top of your TV :P
Also I never thought Xboxes suffered from being too fat. It was too tight for the necessary ventilation obviously.
Yeah, some of the rumors mentioned are a bit too far-fetched, but they are just rumors. I can see your point about the Kinect sensor being attached to the system as silly, that was just speculation on my part. It may be a possibility, though, since MS has said in previous addresses at previous E3's how they are trying to turn the console into more than just a video game console, and more into a multimedia console. So if they integrated the Kinect into the new system, they would basically be forcing users to make the console front-and-center in their TV cabinet and pushing that idea of an all-in-one media device.
You know, sometimes I just want to sit on my ass and mindlessly play video games for hours. This is why I don't like the wii... I hope xbox doesn't try to go that direction with their next console.
We know at least the next gen console will be DX11, so tasty eye candy will be had regardless. I think the next console will be in performance what GTX580s and 590s could do now.

Thing about consoles is, they are way more optimized than PC, so they can push the hardware to its extreme limit. Original Xbox 360 only had 256MB RAM. Try playing Battlefield on your PC with 256MB RAM.

I saw a rumor that they want to move gaming to the cloud. That will battle piracy, but what about those with slow connections? Also have you tried on-live? games look washed up, resolutions are terrible, and the latency is atrocious.

If MS decides to not pay royalties to Sony there always is proprietary formats like UMD. Not saying MS would use UMD, but they will make up a format of their own, and that too will help battle piracy since the disc will be hard to obtain.

Finally, I have to disagree with what you said in an earlier statement moondoggy, Kinect has actually done well for XBox, with XBox at an all time low, and Kinect bundles flying off the shelves, MS has seen a steady increase in profit. People love these gimmicks, and corporate america knows it. We can all agree the kinect is terrible, it's bad at picking up people, and it doesn't even have finger recognition, but people love the idea. Dam thing could be watching over you day and night for all we know :3

Anyway, I think it's time. We have had alot of great games on XBox. XBox 360 has been to this generation what PS2 was to the last generation. Now it's time for change. Graphics are at maximum capacity, and we want to see more eye candy. If they take too long, people will start moving to PC.