New Xbox in 2013?

I'm rather surprised console-releasing companies don't improve their products faster. Maybe if they actually developed better hardware and controller technology at a faster rate it would have completely taken over the PC market.

Be an engineer and be that person.

You will be literally shitting money if you really wanted to.
I have a feeling that microsoft is trying to wait as long as possible, so that they don't have to put an optical drive into their new unit. It would cost them an arm and a leg to license Blu-Ray from sony, so I can see them trying to pioneer into the "downloads-only" console market.

It would be tricky to pull off though. Not everyone has high speed internet... yet.
Those downloads-only methods of buying games don't always work out.. People find it easier to just go to a game store and buy a copy.
A lot has changed in two years.

I for one completely REFUSE to be forced to online style purchases. I got screwed when a legitimately purchased halo 1 fails to be downloadable to my USA xbox just because i live in france right now. Region protection is complete BS!
I for one completely REFUSE to be forced to online style purchases. I got screwed when a legitimately purchased halo 1 fails to be downloadable to my USA xbox just because i live in france right now. Region protection is complete BS!
Regional protection is a bit silly nowadays, IMO. I can see it's use for certain things, but most items I fail to see the benefit or the purpose. If my wife happens to get a job in London or Hong Kong or Singapore, then Im screwed with my electronics. I don't want to have to buy all new devices and games just to continue my hobby.
Regional protection is a bit silly nowadays, IMO. I can see it's use for certain things, but most items I fail to see the benefit or the purpose. If my wife happens to get a job in London or Hong Kong or Singapore, then Im screwed with my electronics. I don't want to have to buy all new devices and games just to continue my hobby.
The reason we haven't seen a new Xbox is because, well...they don't really need one. It would be superfluous - with Halo and Call of Duty pumping out consistent semi-annual releases, they're really starting to dig into the mainstream market, something we didn't really see happen with the original Xbox or PS3, and they've just flooded the gaming market with an endless supply of customers by doing so.

If we do see a new console, I think we can rest assured it's not coming for a few more years and that the only reason we're seeing it is that Microsoft has finally come to the realization that current-gen console hardware is getting crushed by the newer PC hardware. Even then, i get the feeling they don't particularly care, nor do they need to.

And what else, at this point, can they really offer as an innovation in the console/general video game market? Windows 8 is actually trying to do some neat stuff with its Metro interface, but a new interface is just not going to cut it when it comes to releasing a whole new console. Motion Control as a gaming infatuation has come and gone, largely proving that it doesn't do much for a game at all, and I just don't see them thinking too far outside the box beyond that. Project Natal (I still call it that, god) was more or less a failure, expanding on that would not only be redundant, it would be pointless - unless they want to build it right in to every system, I just don't see it being that useful or worth the investment.

My two cents.
What he said.
Console launches are expensive, why launch as new product on which you make next to no margin when you can milk the cash cow you invested shit loads of capital into?

And as for the download only idea... I could see it happening. Ship the damn thing with a terrabyte hard drive, launch everything off of it,. For those who want discs and/or don't have internet connections give them an optional addon drive or something. Cutting out the middle man in selling video games could be very lucrative for Microsoft and The Publishers. Plus is completely solves the "Multiplier" issue with used games i.e. people reselling them.

Bandwidth is cheap for companies, and Valve is doing nothing but raking in cash right now from steam. Digital download is the future, whether you like it or not.
Unless you're nintendo, who have to release a new one every 5 years because they're unpopular.
They've sold over 147.86 million Nintendo DS units and have the most popular handheld console, I wouldn't call that unpopular, and they do have good ideas, but they don't make as much money as Microsoft or Sony, and the Wii isn't exactly the best console in my opinion..
They've sold over 147.86 million Nintendo DS units and have the most popular handheld console, I wouldn't call that unpopular, and they do have good ideas, but they don't make as much money as Microsoft or Sony, and the Wii isn't exactly the best console in my opinion..

everything by nintendo after Gameboy advance SP is absolute rabbit fetus.
Same haters going to hate because they cant pay for Xboxlive :p dont hate apriciate

If you hate xbox and saw xbox on the tittle dont click the freaking subject!:mad: