Patchycraft: Tekkit Classic Server


Well-Known Member
Yes, not a Feed The Beast server. This is for those that still want to play the old way.


For those that might be new, Tekkit is obtained here:

I might be a bit selective, so don't feel bad if I don't accept your application. I mostly want people I actually know better rather than just anyone. Those that do get accepted, you know the usual rules; don't be a douche.

Usual application method, just fill out and submit it.

Minecraft name:
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?:
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?:
Minecraft name: csimiami14
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?:..
.. I have been banned from tshin's servers a few times for a few minutes .... Why? because he is tshin :P
Tempting, tempting. FtB has bothered me with the sheer mineral spam; mining doesn't seem to be that much fun to me in that modpack. I also didn't have long of a chance to play on Tshin's Tekkit server before it was shut down. I'll give this a go, but if the trend of "Zen's derpy internet with cancerous lag" persists, I'll probably stop playing this as well.

MC Name: Zennai
Banhammer'd by T9k? Nope.
Banhammer'd by a member? Nope.
>reads the title
>"Patchycraft: Tekkit Classic Server"
>Please don't break my ribs
Minecraft name: Skryter
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope.
Everyone above who made an application has been accepted. You have been added to the conversation.
Minecraft name: fox_news
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: no
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: no
All these servers. :O

Minecraft name: MagicForDummies
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: My last ban was so long ago you have to dig it up with a SHOVEL.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: I don't even connect because I'm busy ! Sorta.

I don't even lift. ;(
Minecraft name: Pyrofiredelta
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope
Minecraft name: TwistedWicked
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Ye, Underage.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope.
hmm... these mods intrigue me...

Minecraft name: MotorKat
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope.
Play ALL the modpacks!

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. We now have 4 modpacks running on T9k.

And I'm getting requests for BigDig and Pixelmon too.
Minecraft name: Girls_Is_Awesome
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nah.
Minecraft name: RioDeal
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope.avi
Twisted, MotorKat, and Gia have been added. Fox_News, MagicForDummies, Pyrofiredelta, and RioDeal, you aren't completely denied at the moment, but also I haven't decided to add you either. Basically I just don't know you very well.

Play ALL the modpacks!

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. We now have 4 modpacks running on T9k.

And I'm getting requests for BigDig and Pixelmon too.
Well, mine isn't a new server at least, I'm just starting it up again. Only two people played it when it was online before, but after I had someone express interest in it when I talked about it, I decided to start it up and actually make a thread this time.
Twisted, MotorKat, and Gia have been added. Fox_News, MagicForDummies, Pyrofiredelta, and RioDeal you aren't completely denied at the moment, but also I haven't decided to add you either. Basically I just don't know you very well.

Well, mine isn't a new server at least, I'm just starting it up again. Only two people played it when it was online before, but after I had. someone express interest in it when I talked about it, I decided to start it up and actually make a thread this time.
Hey, I'm not complaining