Patchycraft: Tekkit Classic Server

Fox_News, MagicForDummies, Pyrofiredelta, and RioDeal, you aren't completely denied at the moment, but also I haven't decided to add you either. Basically I just don't know you very well.

Screenshot at 2013-06-10 00:05:43.png
spidey and patch.jpg
Minecraft name: littlespedve467
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Classic shenanigans, but I've since matured.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nah.

Thanks for considering.
Pretty much solidified that RioDeal is never allowed on anything I host ever.

"Oh, she says she doesn't know me very well, let me creep her the hell out and make her feel completely violated so she hates me."

Great idea.

that picture of you and spidey? that old picture rsmv2you made on the 60's spider-man forum lol and a little sense of humor made you feel "violated" I apologize and you don't want me add me on your server? thats ok, just wanted to see, heard that Tekkit Classic Server are pretty cool. I'm fine working on my little city <3 I just laugh when you said you hardly know me. though i reply back anyways with the good old daddy and son meme.
good luck with the server and hope people make some cool builds :D
I don't get tekkit...??? ?_0

Fox_News, MagicForDummies, Pyrofiredelta, and RioDeal
Magic and Pyro are good children. Rio means well but can be misunderstood. Fox may be obnoxious(his words not mine) but also means well.
Minecraft name: Coulometry
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: No
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: No
Coulometry has been accepted. littlespedve, I'm sorry but I just don't know you well enough to accept you right now. I know others know you, but I just don't know you myself.

I don't get tekkit...??? ?_0

Magic and Pyro are good children. Rio means well but can be misunderstood. Fox may be obnoxious(his words not mine) but also means well.
The thing is, I only really am accepting people I know, not just spoke with a few times, possibly a year or more ago. I don't like the idea of people I don't know well being on my server, regardless of how highly others may view them.
Ohai dere.


Tekkit classic, albeit out of date compared to vanilla, doesn't have MFR and Thermal Expansion, both of which I don't really care for :)
Minecraft name: Kagato75
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Does banning oneself count? Was testing someting - otherwise Nope.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope
So what, were allowed to just advertise our own servers here then?

I think it's fine if 1) such a server offers a gaming service that T9K currently does not offer and 2) such a server is T9K exclusive (non-public, any mention of the server is kept internally within the T9K community).

Patchy's server meets both criteria.

While I'm at it, I might as well put this out there:

Minecraft name: oozinator
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nerp.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Technically yes, but the ban was only for testing purposes. The ban was lifted in under a minute.