Patchycraft: Tekkit Classic Server

The thing is, I only really am accepting people I know, not just spoke with a few times, possibly a year or more ago. I don't like the idea of people I don't know well being on my server, regardless of how highly others may view them.

you've known me for a year the only thing is, we really never hang out together plus i just tease yea for fun on the classic server but I've hardly been on classic for months and i do go check it out but its so empty and I'm on more Survival. we were in the same town in Haven, one time you lock me in your house with the cats which made me laugh because i said to you: Patchy! there gonna eat me! I'm just a walrus D: amd you just said: *troll face*

so I could tell you stories and i should have a video of the nyan cat with you and pix. but when you add it up your right on one hand." you hardly hang out with me" when I've been here for a year. plus you never liked my corny jokes.
you've known me for a year the only thing is, we really never hang out together plus i just tease yea for fun on the classic server but I've hardly been on classic for months and i do go check it out but its so empty and I'm on more Survival. we were in the same town in Haven, one time you lock me in your house with the cats which made me laugh because i said to you: Patchy! there gonna eat me! I'm just a walrus D: amd you just said: *troll face*

so I could tell you stories and i should have a video of the nyan cat with you and pix. but when you add it up your right on one hand." you hardly hang out with me" when I've been here for a year. plus you never liked my corny jokes.
Stop beating a dead horse
She's just not that into you
Minecraft name: Mcfar45
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Gurws (because I requested to be)
Minecraft name: Mcfar45
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Nope
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Gurws (because I requested to be)
Minecraft name: Lukeperson6
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: My language. but I was unbanned,
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: ^
Minecraft name: mightythedj23
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: yes, thrice (three times) in fact. Twice on Classic and once in survival. reasons?
Crabbie banned me after I griefed my own build (derp built over my build, so the blocks' history was "Rewritten") Then by Tbarius for trolling, when through chatlogs he saw that I was BEING trolled, not doing the trolling. The one on survival was a mistake on Tofurkey's part; he went to ban someone, but didn't type their full name, so it somehow banned me. true story.

Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope
Minecraft name: Kris19642
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: Accidental ban back in 2011.
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: Nope.avi

I have a little experience (not much) with tekkit, and I've been wanting to get involved in some community activites since I've returned to Team9000, we've talked a bit in the past, but we probably don't know each other too well at this point, but I said, "Hey, why not throw my name in the hat?" :P
Minecraft name: RemOfShadows
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: noep
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?: neop x2

remember, we like admined together or smth...... badpokerface.png

also i want to add that i wont be immediately active, since i have to get tekkit to work 1st, then i'll wait for my gf to leave for her summer trip in july, and then you guise will have to teach me how to tekkit.
Other than that, i've seen the mod in action, and have always been interested in it but never had a proper reason to dl it :3

that is of course if patchy accepts me and stuff ^.^
Yes, not a Feed The Beast server. This is for those that still want to play the old way.


For those that might be new, Tekkit is obtained here:

I might be a bit selective, so don't feel bad if I don't accept your application. I mostly want people I actually know better rather than just anyone. Those that do get accepted, you know the usual rules; don't be a douche.

Usual application method, just fill out and submit it.

Minecraft name:
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?:
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?:

Minecraft name: foxzm
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?: no mam
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft nope
Minecraft name:
Have you been banned from Team9000 before, and if so why?:
Have you been banned from a Team9000 member's Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, FTB, etc) server, and if so why?:

Considering it's rather different and I've never played Tekkit before, I might as well bite.