Pick Up Lines

Halo being my profession, here are a few I like:

I think something is wrong with my auto-aim. I can’t take my eyes off you.

As soon as I came near you, the announcer said “unfreakinbelievable” and I would tend to agree.

Are we playing Assault? Cause I’m pretty sure you are the bomb.

With the weapons I just need to hit “X” to pick them up. Does that work for you as well?
Hey baby, you know the ocean is the only thing that's gonna be rocking you tonight

~Walrus 2014
If I told you that you have a nice body would you hold it against me?


Do you like big surprises? You do? Good, because I have a big surprise for you.
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/ ノ) do you even lift? ) ヽ
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丶_ ノ 。   ノ、 。|/
   `ヽ `ー-’人`ーノ
    丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ
that moment when you have a perfect pick up line in dutch, but it doesn't make sense in english ;(
oh well: "ik heb geen openingszin. maar jij hebt een opening en ik heb zin"