Pokemon Avatars?


I know I skipped DP25, but that's acceptable by my terms.

I skipped DP25

but that's acceptable

it hurts.jpg

It hurts
KITTEH I request the highest of fives and an avatar plox :P

I think a daper as fuck scizor shalst be glorious :D

kitteh please :)

kitteh can I haz avatars pleases <3

(in all seriousness nice job on your stuff, it looks awesome!)
KITTEH I request the highest of fives and an avatar plox :P

I think a daper as fuck scizor shalst be glorious :D

kitteh please :)

kitteh can I haz avatars pleases <3

(in all seriousness nice job on your stuff, it looks awesome!)

/leaps for a high-five and ends up missing, crashing to the floor and dying so I don't have to draw anymore of these
if you do keep the avatars up then do me mixed with a lucario/ducklett/farfetched/phsyduck
EDIT: you can choose any of the ones above but don't try them all at once