Polyphasic Sleep

I should also point out that lucid dreaming and proper, restful rem sleep are not the same thing, neither is rem sleep the part of the sleep cycle you only need. As a matter of fact, the dreaming portion of the sleep cycle is only a processing period, much like having your computer do medical calculations while you're at school or work. In fact, the "rest and relaxation" that you brain needs (less often than your body, obviously) is even more important, as overworking your brain is literally the stupidest thing you can do. So, the "dead" sections of a sleep cycle, which the best doctors until just a couple years ago thought weren't important, turn out to be THE most important.
This is okay...

I mean, I'm on my 8:30 to 2:30 stretch, and that's okay.


I'm interested on how this goes. Let me know how it goes and if you ever get settled into it.
I was stupid and decided to skip all of my naps for today, so I'm in pretty bad shape.

I'm talking to some friends on skype and playing league to try to make it to 8 o'clock to start back up again.
Mkai, so I'm still at it. I've pretty much stopped the whole perfect regulation.

I sleep 30 minutes-1 hour whenever I need it.

So I sleep anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours a day, and I'm enjoying it.

Main problems I'm having is my insomnia preventing me from taking some naps, so I'll have to recover from that.

It seems sustainable, for now.
I tried this once. Keyword was once. The issue I has was that I completely end up losing track of time due to not setting the naps to a set time. It began to not only fuck up my internal clock, but my internal calendar. I eventually said fuck it and adjusted myself back by sleeping for 18 hours, which also sucked.
i wouldn't want to do something like this. it would take too much commitment and i'm fine sleeping from 10 'til 7
Alright, so here's an update:

I've been doing this since I started the thread~ with a 3 day 2 night break(slept normal 6 hour at night) because family stayed over.

That was 3 days ago, and I've managed to readjust.

Some notes:

Time. That's pretty much it.

Eating is weird. I have less of an appetite for meals, and snack round the clock. I also eat a lot some days, and less than 1,000 calories some days.

Caffeine dependency: Coffee and Pepsi round the clock. This can't be good for me.

Always physically tired (however this has always been a problem, and one of the main reasons I never participated in sports), but this made it slightly worse.

Neither I nor my friends (except for during adjustment periods) have noticed any difference in mental capacity over this time period, I seem to be doing okay here.

ALSO a HUGE one, as Chiba said, I have NO perception for time at all. I was on TS with a streamer sometime in the recent past. My friend asked when it was, and I honestly had no idea. I think it was 12AM to 8AM Sunday morning, but I"m not too sure. Yesterday means ABSOLUTELY nothing. It's so confusing and very annoying.

Oh, and my alarm clock is taking a beating. I generally push it off of my nightstand when I wake up from my 30 minute nap.

So yeah, that's what's happening.

I'm always on Steam if you have some quirky question not worth posting here.

Continue to wish me luck! The worst may come soon.
Also, another thing: Oversleeping is hell.

If you oversleep, even by 30 minutes, (don't even get me started on a couple of hours) You will wake up with the WORST headache, and your energy level will be 0 for the next 4 hours or so.

(Yes, the alternative is only sleeping 30 minutes, and your energy level being 2.)w
Also, another thing: Oversleeping is hell.

If you oversleep, even by 30 minutes, (don't even get me started on a couple of hours) You will wake up with the WORST headache, and your energy level will be 0 for the next 4 hours or so.

(Yes, the alternative is only sleeping 30 minutes, and your energy level being 2.)w

What happens if you oversleep by the amount of time in a complete sleep cycle (around 90 minutes)?
What happens if you oversleep by the amount of time in a complete sleep cycle (around 90 minutes)?
I've never overslept for exactly that long. I've overslept for about four hours, and it SUCKED. Oh my god the headache.

I'll try it tonight.
I also tend to sleep in more than one chunk per day, but for a total closer to 10 hours. How the hell do you survive on 4, or as low as 2??? Teach me your ways, I need more time for classwork :(
I also tend to sleep in more than one chunk per day, but for a total closer to 10 hours. How the hell do you survive on 4, or as low as 2??? Teach me your ways, I need more time for classwork :(
The solution is to not do classwork.

Also: I'm going to set my alarm clock for 90 minutes here soon, to answer your question, Lacar.

If I wake up in an awful state, I'm coming to get you.

But I doubt it's worse than oversleeping by like 4 hours. *shudder*
The only thing about this is you HAVE to do exactly 30 minutes 4 times a day, at exactly the same time each nap time for your body to properly adjust. You can't even be 5 minutes late your body will get the necessity for REM all mixed up.

Additional, eat after you wake up, and not for the hour before you go to sleep, you will have less of the hangover feeling when you wake.

Also additionally, drink LOTS of water. Your metabolism will be confused and will try to overcompensate and burn more everything, so you will be eating more than normal and one thing that is overlooked is drinking water.

Also also also moose, stop with the caffeine, any processed foods, so on and so forth. Anything processed and isn't natural will add to the hangover feeling. Consume only organic unprocessed caffeine(organic coffee tastes better too) and tea will be good too, or cut out caffeine at all if you can. The foods, you will boost from X amount of calories a day to 2x out of necessity or your body will over metabolize its self, so you want to eat more, but the more junk the worse you'll feel. Fresh foods make you feel better, and when you're doing this, you tend to be hyper aware of your body.

Those were my experience when I tried this. I was also drinking a bit during this time so that didn't help at all with the regularity of sleep and eventually I crashed, slept for 2 days almost completely straight and decided it was a bad idea.

On the other hand, damn was I productive.
The only thing about this is you HAVE to do exactly 30 minutes 4 times a day, at exactly the same time each nap time for your body to properly adjust. You can't even be 5 minutes late your body will get the necessity for REM all mixed up.

Additional, eat after you wake up, and not for the hour before you go to sleep, you will have less of the hangover feeling when you wake.

Also additionally, drink LOTS of water. Your metabolism will be confused and will try to overcompensate and burn more everything, so you will be eating more than normal and one thing that is overlooked is drinking water.

Also also also moose, stop with the caffeine, any processed foods, so on and so forth. Anything processed and isn't natural will add to the hangover feeling. Consume only organic unprocessed caffeine(organic coffee tastes better too) and tea will be good too, or cut out caffeine at all if you can. The foods, you will boost from X amount of calories a day to 2x out of necessity or your body will over metabolize its self, so you want to eat more, but the more junk the worse you'll feel. Fresh foods make you feel better, and when you're doing this, you tend to be hyper aware of your body.

Those were my experience when I tried this. I was also drinking a bit during this time so that didn't help at all with the regularity of sleep and eventually I crashed, slept for 2 days almost completely straight and decided it was a bad idea.

On the other hand, damn was I productive.
I don't have an issue with the hangover feeling, assuming I don't oversleep.
Perhaps it was the alcohol?
Is the effort worth the extra time, Kris?
LOL. I'm not even doing anything with it, to be honest. I know a couple hundred more Kanji, I've got my Osu rank down closer to 150,000k, but in reality, this is completely stupid. xD

What happens if you oversleep by the amount of time in a complete sleep cycle (around 90 minutes)?

Nothing really happens, still really groggy though, no headache like if you oversleep by less than that, but more than 30 minutes, or the headache you get if you sleep more than 90 minutes. Still puts you worse off than just sleeping 30 minutes when you should.

Also, my alarm clock is starting to fail me, it seems...

Nuur. I've never slept through an alarm clock before. This sleep schedule is murder...
Well, due to my failure to wake up to alarm clock twice now, I think it's time to kill this experiment.

Overall, over the course of these like 3 weeks, I've felt pretty okay. Not too much to note.

Adjusting is hell.

Oversleeping is hell.

Waking up is CANCER (oh my god)

I may try for the next week or so sleeping 2 hours straight to compare.

So I'll keep you guys updated.

If you guys come up with some weird sleep schedule, I'll try it this summer. No reason not to.

Overall assessment: Good for short term, bad for long term.

Should I try it: No. No you shouldn't. It sucks, and all I did during this time was increase my Osu rank by 60,000 and learn alot more Japanese.
