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Possible Star Wars Zone?


So, I was thinking that it would be super awesome if there was a star wars zone. I know I'am not the only one who likes building Star Wars ships so i thought that a zone would be awesome.

I was talking with kingjok3r about it and we think it would be good if the zone was like zone 4 where it was really deep
But i would much prefer normal sky over the space theme. :)

Please reply and we might be able to get this to work :D
well, we have a space zone, but I don't remember what it is. try looking for it, it has our Enterprise in it.
Yh I know. Thats zone4 lol :). The Enterprise takes up the whole thing so there isn't much space to build :D. And I'm not really a big fan of the whole space themed walls :L
Maybe have it flat as to have more room, just like the contest worlds? I'd also like my own ship moved from contest 4a to this zone if possible so i can work on it :)
Sounds like fun, maybe even have the death star in there if it happened
I'm just not sure we could rally enough support for a star wars zone, then again who knows
Here are some of my builds, one being unfinished and being one f the reasons for this world

screenshot_20111211121745.png screenshot_20111211121750.png screenshot_20111211121757.png screenshot_20111211121806.png

Couldnt upload my consular class cruiser for some reason
but there is a thread if you wanna see it :)
Supported here! I'd like to put in a Blockade runner.

Maybe, instead of a landscape, we just have a big, open area from sky to bedrock with a few floating asteroids?