Project Shoop 0.0.1a

Hello fellow T9k'ers! Welcome to the new group project that has been on a lot of people's minds surprisingly :D. The T9k Game Project! For more details, read on oh interested ones.

Overview: This is a collaborative game project for the T9k members who have expressed interest in making a game. As you all may have noticed, we have quite a few skilled T9k members out there who have been just itching to get into a game industry level job, whether it's being a coder or being a concept artist. This project is gonna be an online mesh of organizing those interested to produce a grade A product (and to see what we can come up with in general with all the years of gaming :).)

Planning: I will be Producer/Project Lead for this, as such I will be filling rolls dependent on people's interest/inquiries and their skill in the specified job they will be doing. This will be a volunteer project, compensation will be allotted depending on if the Executive Producer (Wooty) markets the game with the T9k brand. Until enough interest is expressed here in the forums, any materials for the game, game name, game genre, etc. will be decided at a later discussion (private convo will be organized with 'devs')

Current Positions (Revised with real names in final product):

Executive Producer - Wooty (pending discussion)
Producer/Project Lead - Bored
Lead Concept Artist/Designer - _________
Artist/Designers - that_taco_guy, Daydreaming, Pixiel
Background Designer - ________
Game Concept/Storyboard Team- Tofurkey, Nordiclovepotion, Jerzeylegend, Vorsprung, David
Lead Programmer - __________
Programmers - StTheo, Kimbal86, littlespedve
Game Music - Donvittorio
Game SFX - Rev80
UI Designer - Krylani
Creative Consultant - NewspaperCrane
Lead Tester - Dmax
2nd Tester - Homerun09
3rd Tester - tshinotu145
4th Tester - ChibaMasato
5th Tester - _________

*Jobs are subject to change pending positions needed/filled.

Inquiring into any positions requires a relevant portfolio or reference material to show level of skill in position applying for.

I look forward to the discussion on this and hope to see what an awesome community can come up with :).


P.S. Non-disclosure agreement/other legal material will be a requirement for this project, if someone is familiar with typing up such things that would be pretty sweet :D.

Note: Depending on level of skill, it will be likely a Terraria style (32 bit) for an intro to this collaborative gaming builds. Future projects if possible will be much more detailed.

I can code a little bit, I can 3d and 2d design and animate(maya and photoshop). I can also do effects and some art concepts.
Blender's game engine uses Python. It's actually one of the first programming languages I learned - and mostly forgot.
Python! Like a boss.
I personally haven't done anything graphical with Python. Although I know the well loved cloud service's apps 'dropbox' are written in Python, due to it's cross platform abilites
I am not surprised at all by this topic, though I am surprised it didn't happen sooner.
I would LOVE to help the community make a game. Obviously my area of expertise is art. Most of my experience is in character design, but I can do most things. Concepts/backgrounds/storyboarding/etc. depending on what's needed. I've done some comics and animation (2D) stuff, and some game art, as well as promo items like flyers/posters/shirts/books/etc. I've given and taken art direction on various projects, so I'm comfy in lead or follow spots, as long as I get to draw.
The down side? Other than a few almost finished commissions and a couple ongoing projects, my main concern is.. I have a full time job. Yay/Buu. That's not a huge concern.. except right now. It's currently my company's "busy season," (Spring Graduation.. we make all those awards people get) so I may be slow on things between now and June. I mean.. I still get art things done in busy season. It's just slower going, because I'm needed to put in a lot of overtime at work, and paid work comes first, obviously. In June, though, my time will be freed up a good deal, and things will settle back into normal.
Hopefully since this game thing is still in early planning stages, that should't be much of a problem. :D
I would love to help with this in any way I can. I am good at fleshing out basic idea that people come up with and I am good at testing (I have alpha and beta tested many games). Just give me a role and I will do my best :D
I'd love to help wherever I could contribute...

I've trained in vocal performance and composed a bit here and there, so I can help with Music and SFX. Plus, I have some experience with art drafting, designing, etc.

glad to see this sort of project is happening! :D
I'm decent at creating sprites, enough that I had an art shop on a pokemon site once. So if you need any help in that, sign me up.
All I could do is test, unless you want voice actors for whatever reason, but you probably won't, but i'll support the project any way I can.
There are several 2d game engines we could use. One that I've seen used for a collaborative project (Hawkthorne) was the LÖVE framework.

[collapse=Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne]In the show "Community", there was a video-game episode called "Digital Estate Planning". Fans have been recreating the game using this framework.

Fan Created:
Once we decide on a game engine, we should probably create a GitHub repository for us to use.
I would jump in on this as a programmer, but I would need more info like are we using a framework? an engine? what do we have to work with here, these are all things that should be figured out.
I'm up for being a tester, as well as concept/story board design. I personally am a "writer" and a reader. So I have tons of ideas, creations, and just yeah. I'm here if needed if not cool with me. Also was going to mention this little tidbit I was thinking about and I'm sure others have thought about as well. Depending on how things go with the project. T9K could become an actual game studio on the side, just an idea but T9K already sounds like a game studio anyways :-D
Thank you all for your massive interest into this project, it looks like we are pretty full on jobs and can already get started on getting this organized. We will still be adding/removing people from the project depending on workload/skill so please feel free to keep applying for positions. All alpha testers have been filled, beta testers will be those who have posted interest in testing in this thread.

First game developed will be simple and released hopefully by 2014, but we will have a longterm game project that'll be a much larger tentative release date :).

So...from what you've said, you're making a game that'll be 32-bit, 2D. What type of game is it? Do you have an idea for a story already? Have you determined a target group to make this for? Is it going to be free? I have some ideas I would like to share, but I'd like some more information first.