PS3 Games

Remembering that I said I'd bring a yay or neh (aka reviewish type post) to Demon souls back to this thread I thought I would.

I'm going to tell you one thing about this game... don't f***ing die.

I thought it was a good game but the difficulty is off the charts since your first stage after the tutorial I think you had to die on is pretty hard due to death making you have half health.

*EDIT AFTER REMEBERING* Also with dying in this game you lose all your souls (money,exp,magic learning points,etc.) that you gained; and they sit back where you died only for that next go at the stage. So you die you got one more shot to get them. You die before you get to them, your straight out of luck for that good 3-10 thousand souls or however many you made through that run.

The whole class thing is a bit of a joke since it only gives you an idea of what to work on, otherwise you can use whatever you want as a weapon. Mage with a broadsword on his back? No problem. Spell casting barbarian? Sure, they needed some well deserved intelligence. duel wielding badass type sword on any class. Sure we don't give a crap. I liked this alot really. It can get pretty fun and sometimes cheap even.

Thing is none of that help you get away from the cheapness of Stamina, running, blocking, fighting, dodging, and I think gettting hit even takes a small amount of stamina away from you. and the more armor and heavy weapons you have on, the slower you run and the more stamina it takes to get going; and that just sucks when you are trying to outrun a dragon only to be met by an army of soldiers and demon soulish knights with nothing on so you could run from the dragon and his fire breath.

I haven't played much but my decision needs to be made today or so. SO I say that Demon Souls is a meh, its fun and insane to be duel wielding 2 handed swords and not even break a sweat. Thing is that doesn't mean a thing to the insanity of this game. If you really want to try it, rent it or do what I did, go down to a gamestop, buy it used which gives you a week to try it, and if you don't like it take it back and get a different 34 or so dollar game.

Hope this helps and I look forward to whatever I buy next