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Rail Transfer

Here's an idea. Let towns build their own rails to wherever they need, including to other towns that want to connect to them.
Oh so people can just build one block towers up to it :/

I think N00b_da_Jarrod was suggesting the rail be elevated to avoid mobs, not to avoid griefers :)

I ran across a couple of different underground railways that had been griefed yesterday - I think one might have been Midgard's - so I guess the underground thing isn't a complete fix for that issue anyway, it might just make it happen less often.
I think N00b_da_Jarrod was suggesting the rail be elevated to avoid mobs, not to avoid griefers :)

I ran across a couple of different underground railways that had been griefed yesterday - I think one might have been Midgard's - so I guess the underground thing isn't a complete fix for that issue anyway, it might just make it happen less often.
thats the point but no one can stop greifers the whole way
As mayor of Humboldt I would like to connect to the rail system and would like access to the rail entrence doors. My town members also.
sry was kind of out of it last night

1. what is the name of your town?
2. how many residents do you have in your town?
2 at the moment. But I am planning on adding 1 more if I can find the right person.
3. why do you want to join the rail transfer system?
We mine cobble stone and diamonds and we would like a quick ride to be able to sell them at the main middle spawn area. Also my area just so happens to be right off the rail system that goes out west towards djville.
sry was kind of out of it last night

1. what is the name of your town?
2. how many residents do you have in your town?
2 at the moment. But I am planning on adding 1 more if I can find the right person.
3. why do you want to join the rail transfer system?
We mine cobble stone and diamonds and we would like a quick ride to be able to sell them at the main middle spawn area. Also my area just so happens to be right off the rail system that goes out west towards djville.
we dont have a rail to djville also i am going to send someone to check our your town and then we will see if you are in
um this rail you are talking about would it be the one chriswsrn and i made with the help of some caprician residents ie mountainboy965 and a few others
that you only connected to and did not build.
and if so why do you think you have the right to keep other people from using it till you approve?
shouldn't it be chriswsrn the original maker of the rail to be the one who decides?
Oh lameducks, you are so silly. First of all, does the Caprican rail even come closes to mushroom isle? No. Logic then says that no, the rail you think we stole is not yours. Second of all, try not to sound so condescending the next time you post on a legit forum post, instead try a personal message asking whether or not we stole the rail system. Me and Fox dug for I think a total of three days for our tunnels to other towns. If you think you can do better, and are willing to give up YOUR iron and YOUR gold for free, to help other towns, then you can come on this thread and be an ass. Have a good day lameducks, and try not to embarrass yourself again.
um first off i did not accuse you of stealing i first asked you if it was the one chriswsrn and i made and then stated what i though was wright if it was i never claimed you stole it only hypothetically stated what i though if it was.
For reference you never state what rail you guys are talking about.... so now its answered good day and thank you falling my curiosity being an ass
Oh lameducks, you are so silly. First of all, does the Caprican rail even come closes to mushroom isle? No. Logic then says that no, the rail you think we stole is not yours. Second of all, try not to sound so condescending the next time you post on a legit forum post, instead try a personal message asking whether or not we stole the rail system. Me and Fox dug for I think a total of three days for our tunnels to other towns. If you think you can do better, and are willing to give up YOUR iron and YOUR gold for free, to help other towns, then you can come on this thread and be an ass. Have a good day lameducks, and try not to embarrass yourself again.

Someone is sour about being banned from Caprica.
Actually, since I left Caprica, it seems that I have alot more resoruces than any Caprican member, except for maybe Mountain. I am glad that I left, I have the freedom to build whatever I want, and I am not constricted to a small plot.

Lameducks, I refer to the "logic" part, which you do not seem to understand. Where it says "Mushroom Isle." Is the Caprican rail connected to that town? No. Logic dictates that it is not the Caprican rail, and you should of not accused us. Yes, you did accuse us of stealing, it is just that you didn't come outright with it, you simply railed against us with false allegations. Lameducks, I only have one piece of advice for you, look at the whole situation before posting on anything. It just embarrasses you.
lemon please read the what i stated before and realize that you should read that before you restate stuff have already answered.

the first part of my original post is a question.

"um this rail you are talking about would it be the one chriswsrn and i made with the help of some caprician residents ie mountainboy965 and a few others"

i am sory i didn't add a question mark...

"and if so why do you think you have the right to keep other people from using it till you approve?
shouldn't it be chriswsrn the original maker of the rail to be the one who decides?"

so this part is definitively accusing you of stealing? um no it is stating my opinion.

and for you logic part well when you never state what rail you are talking about for all i know you are trying to use the one in eze going to north spawn. so logically how should i know which rail you are talking about.

oh and this doesn't embarrass me so we can continue this as long as you like
OMG.... What part of the logic do you not get? It is extremely easy to tell what rail it isn't. Does the Caprican rail go to EEC or Mushroom Isle? NO. Therefore it is not the caprican rail. Simple as that. If you cannot understand that, then you have some serious problems.
OMG.... What part of the logic do you not get? It is extremely easy to tell what rail it isn't. Does the Caprican rail go to EEC or Mushroom Isle? NO. Therefore it is not the caprican rail. Simple as that. If you cannot understand that, then you have some serious problems.
It goes to both, EagleEyeCity and Mushroom Isle.
all that is stated here is towns that have joined. it does not state anything about where rails go or where the connect to other than those city's.