Reddit Moments Thread

I love it when a novelty account like this comes around.

THIS mother fucking thread is just oozing with hate. Oh my GOOOD!

This thread makes me want to punch sooo many walls. A ask reddit about "what is the most ungrateful thing you have seen someone do?"

Some of these stories...

"I have two nephews aged 14 and 12 and they have every game console out there. So thinking I was going to be the coolest aunt ever, I bought them 4 of the latest games, and they were over $50 each. I don't see them often, I wanted to do something special, $250 is a lot of money in my budget. They took one look at the games, said "they suck", threw them against the wall and broke the cases. I picked them up, took them back to the store but they refused to take 3 of them back due to the damage. I ended up selling them at the mall to one of those game stores, got almost nothing for them. Never again. "

"My younger sister got diamond earrings for her 16th birthday from my parents. She then says in a bitchy tone "This isn't what I asked for". Parents then take back earrings, scolds her and she gets nothing for her birthday. She then spends the rest of her birthday demanding that they give it back to her."

This rage material..:

"I remember when I was 14 I saved up 800 dollars to buy my parents a new computer under the condition that some day they would do the same. It took me over 2 years to save up the money to do this and it was after i sold all my games. 6 years later my parents tell me that they are going to buy me a new computer as part of the deal from when I was younger, and they said that the computer they were going to get me was going to cost $1,800. As you could probably figure out i was really excited but then they tell me they only have 800 for it and I would need to cover the rest. I was fine with that since I only spend 800 dollars on them so fair is fair, so i gave them the 1,000. 2 weeks later they said to stop by their house to pick up the computer. So I go over there house to pick it up and they present me with the computer I had bought for them 6 years ago, I figured it was a joke and laughed then asked where the computer they bought me was and they said that the old computer I paid for 6 years ago was the one they got me. I told them it wasn't funny and just show me which computer they bought me. They then called me ungrateful because they spent a ton of money on the computer and we eventually got into a huge argument with them calling me spoiled and ungrateful and kicking me out. As i left I noticed 2 boxes by the door that I didn't notice when I walked in and it was brand new laptop boxes with the price stickers still on them and each of them were around $850. So they used my money to buy them selves 2 brand new laptops and I ended up being out $1800. The thing is about this is that the rest of my relatives say I was being ungrateful and shouldnt have complained about a gift my parents spent money on. Was I being ungrateful because everyone I know says I was and I dont understand it. "

"Its a bit late for people to notice this, but i was visiting friends at their farm years ago. My friend from highschool and his wife and their daughter who was about 16. The daughter was out saddling her horse when the horse kicked her in the chest. Collapsed her throat and she couldnt breathe. I performed an emergency tracheotomy saving her life. about two months later i get a letter from a law firm. They changed their mind about how grateful they were and decided to sue me for leaving a scar from the tracheotomy. "

So much rage but also... sooo much justice...

"I knew a girl who did that, too, except with a nice little Ranger. It was a couple years old, but had all the bells and whistles, except 4WD. That wasn't good enough for her, so she wrecked it intentionally. She fractured her neck and had to walk around with a cervical collar for a couple months.

And then her parents bought her a piece of shit 1980-something Ford Escort.
THIS mother fucking thread is just oozing with hate. Oh my GOOOD!

This thread makes me want to punch sooo many walls. A ask reddit about "what is the most ungrateful thing you have seen someone do?"

Some of these stories...

"I have two nephews aged 14 and 12 and they have every game console out there. So thinking I was going to be the coolest aunt ever, I bought them 4 of the latest games, and they were over $50 each. I don't see them often, I wanted to do something special, $250 is a lot of money in my budget. They took one look at the games, said "they suck", threw them against the wall and broke the cases. I picked them up, took them back to the store but they refused to take 3 of them back due to the damage. I ended up selling them at the mall to one of those game stores, got almost nothing for them. Never again. "

"My younger sister got diamond earrings for her 16th birthday from my parents. She then says in a bitchy tone "This isn't what I asked for". Parents then take back earrings, scolds her and she gets nothing for her birthday. She then spends the rest of her birthday demanding that they give it back to her."

This rage material..:

"I remember when I was 14 I saved up 800 dollars to buy my parents a new computer under the condition that some day they would do the same. It took me over 2 years to save up the money to do this and it was after i sold all my games. 6 years later my parents tell me that they are going to buy me a new computer as part of the deal from when I was younger, and they said that the computer they were going to get me was going to cost $1,800. As you could probably figure out i was really excited but then they tell me they only have 800 for it and I would need to cover the rest. I was fine with that since I only spend 800 dollars on them so fair is fair, so i gave them the 1,000. 2 weeks later they said to stop by their house to pick up the computer. So I go over there house to pick it up and they present me with the computer I had bought for them 6 years ago, I figured it was a joke and laughed then asked where the computer they bought me was and they said that the old computer I paid for 6 years ago was the one they got me. I told them it wasn't funny and just show me which computer they bought me. They then called me ungrateful because they spent a ton of money on the computer and we eventually got into a huge argument with them calling me spoiled and ungrateful and kicking me out. As i left I noticed 2 boxes by the door that I didn't notice when I walked in and it was brand new laptop boxes with the price stickers still on them and each of them were around $850. So they used my money to buy them selves 2 brand new laptops and I ended up being out $1800. The thing is about this is that the rest of my relatives say I was being ungrateful and shouldnt have complained about a gift my parents spent money on. Was I being ungrateful because everyone I know says I was and I dont understand it. "

"Its a bit late for people to notice this, but i was visiting friends at their farm years ago. My friend from highschool and his wife and their daughter who was about 16. The daughter was out saddling her horse when the horse kicked her in the chest. Collapsed her throat and she couldnt breathe. I performed an emergency tracheotomy saving her life. about two months later i get a letter from a law firm. They changed their mind about how grateful they were and decided to sue me for leaving a scar from the tracheotomy. "

So much rage but also... sooo much justice...

"I knew a girl who did that, too, except with a nice little Ranger. It was a couple years old, but had all the bells and whistles, except 4WD. That wasn't good enough for her, so she wrecked it intentionally. She fractured her neck and had to walk around with a cervical collar for a couple months.

And then her parents bought her a piece of shit 1980-something Ford Escort.

I read quite a lot of those stories.

My faith in humanity went down each time I read one. :(